Workshop Submissions
Submit a Workshop
Workshops include one or more facilitators presenting a 90-minute “how to” or “about” session addressing relevant practices, issues, or technologies of interest to researchers, professional engineers, technical communication specialists, and/or people teaching in those fields. To propose a Workshop, submit an extended abstract that includes the following information:
- An overview of the workshop topic and its relevance/importance to the audience
- A description of the intended target audience
- An overview of the desired learning outcomes for the workshop
- A description of projected activities
- A description of qualifications of the facilitator(s) for delivering this workshop.
All workshop facilitators must register for and attend the conference. Note that because facilitators’ qualifications are part of the submission, workshop proposal reviews will be single-blind rather than double-blind.
Please note that all workshop facilitators must register for and attend the conference.

Like IEEE WIE, IEEE Professional Communication Society pledges to work towards gender-diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.