7:30 – 8:30am : Registration
8:30 – 8:45am : Opening Remarks and Program Outline

Stephen Elkins
Session 1 - Smart CitiesChief Information Officer - City of Austin

Dan Stanzione
Welcome to TACCExecutive Director - TACC

Fawzi Behmann
Intro to Smart City SummitChair - Smart City Summit
8:45am : Comments from IEEE-USA
Smart Cities and Public Policy
As one of the world’s largest and most influential professional societies, the IEEE works with industry and individuals to create standards enabling interoperable telecommunications and network operation. IEEE-USA is the part of IEEE that speaks to the US government on public policy issues that are important to the technology community. This presentation will describe how IEEE is enabling the infrastructure of the future. IEEE members and their societies are working on Future Direction initiatives develop the technology that enables the Internet of Things and powers Smart Cities.
Key Takeaways:
- IEEE members and their societies are working on Future Direction initiatives develop the technology that enables the Internet of Things and powers Smart Cities.
- IEEE works with industry and individuals to create standards enabling interoperable telecommunications and network operation.
- IEEE-USA is the part of IEEE that speaks to the US government on public policy issues that are important to the technology community.
Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst as well as a business and technology consultant. He has over 37 years in the data storage industry with engineering and management positions at several companies.
Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents to his credit. Tom is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis as well as Data Storage Technical and Business Consulting services. Tom publishes theDigital Storage Technology Newsletter, the Media and Entertainment Storage Report, the Emerging Non-Volatile Memory Report and other industry reports. Tom is also a regular contributor on digital storage for and other blogs.
Tom is active with SMPTE (Journal article writer and Conference Program Committee), SNIA (including a founder of the SNIA SSSI), the IEEE, (he is past Chair of the IEEE Public Visibility Committee, Past Director for IEEE Region 6, President of IEEE USA and active in the Consumer Electronics Society) and other professional organizations. Tom was the founder and organizer of the Storage Visions Conference ( as well as the Creative Storage Conference ( He was the general chairman of the annual Flash Memory Summit for 10 years. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV). For more information on Tom Coughlin and his publications and activities go to

Tom Coughlin
President, IEEE-USA
9:00am : Keynote #1
Digital Cities: Ready or not, here they come
To many, AI still remains a research pilot or a workload only cloud-native companies, such as Netflix, can effectively execute upon. In reality, AI is becoming ever more pervasive and ever-more mission critical. Take autonomous driving as the killer app of this decade, driving digital cities to become one of the next. In this talk, we’ll discuss several architectural patterns innate to the anatomy of AI-enabled, cloud-native digital cities.
Key Takeaways:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming pervasive and mission critical.
- Digital cities are the “killer app” of the next decade.
- Several architectural patterns are innate to AI-enabled, cloud-native digital cities.
Patricia Florissi is Vice President and Global Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Sales. As Global CTO for Sales, Patricia helps define mid and long term technology strategy, representing the needs of the broader Dell EMC ecosystem in strategic initiatives. Patricia also acts as the liaison between Dell EMC and our customers and partners, to foster stronger alliances and deliver higher value.
Patricia is a Dell EMC Distinguished Engineer, holds a Ph. D. in Computer Science from Columbia University in New York, graduated valedictorian with an MBA at the Stern Business School in New York University, holds multiple patents, and has published in periodicals including Computer Networks and IEEE Proceedings.

Patricia Florissi
Vice President and Global CTO for Sales, Dell/EMC
9:30 – 11:00am : Session 1 “ Smart Cities”
Highlight advancement and disruptive technologies such as IoT, 5G, Analytics, Blockchain and security and their impact in building smart cities. Provide a set of use cases and potential challenges.

Chelsea Collier
co-Chair - Session 1 - Smart CitiesFounder - Digi.City, Editor - Smart City Connect

Konstatinos Champidis
Session 1 - Smart CitiesChief Digital Officer - Athens, Greece

Joel Myers
co-Chair - Session 1 - Smart CitiesIEEE IoT / Smart Cities Working Group

Rebecca Hammons
co-Chair - Session 1 - Smart CitiesInformation and Communication Sciences - Ball State University

Victor Larios
Session 1 - Smart CitiesDirector - Smart Cities Innovation Center - Univ. Guadalajara

Stephen Elkins
Session 1 - Smart CitiesChief Information Officer - City of Austin
11:00 – 11:30am : Break & Networking
11:30am : Keynote #2
Smart Infrastructure for Smart Cities
Elevated guideway transport networks like skyTran can serve as much more than a transportation system. They can be the infrastructure on which people, freight, power and data move with unprecedented efficiency and reliability.
Key Takeaways:
- Combining a physical packet switching architecture with advanced Mag-Lev technology can eliminate urban gridlock
- Integration of new power processors with the transportation network can increase renewable energy penetration, improving grid reliability
- Integration of 4G and 5G with the transport and power networks can solve deployment problems and increase the reliability of data networks
- Austin as a potential case study for the integration of theses technologies
Prior to founding and leading skyTran as CEO, John was the CEO of AeroGen Power and a consultant in the renewable energy industry. John’s brings over 20 years of experience in leading engineering teams in the energy, aerospace and medical device industries. At AeroGen John led a team of engineers in the development of a new type of direct-drive wind turbine. At Affymetrix John led a team in the development of synthesizers for making DNA microarrays. At Fisher& Paykel and Puritan-Bennett, John developed various medical devices and high volume production lines for their manufacture. At Loral John worked on the development of advanced experimental missile guidance systems. John started his career as a military officer after graduating from West point, where he served in a variety of leadership positions in worldwide locations.

John Cole
Chief Executive Officer of SkyTran
12:00 – 1:15pm : Lunch
1:15 – 2:45pm : Session 2 “Mobility and Autonomous Vehicles”
Explore transformation from ADAS-Advanced Assisted Automated System to Full Autonomous Vehicles with AI/ML for mobility and last mile.

Stan McClellan
Chair - Session 2 - MobilityIngram School of Engineering, Texas State University

Dharm Singh
Session 2 - MobilityIEEE ACM Distinguished Speaker

Adam Drobot
Session 2 - MobilityChairman of the Board - OpenTechWorks

Eric Thorn
Session 2 - MobilitySouthwest Research Institute

Darran Anderson
Session 2 - MobilityDirector of Strategy & Innovation - TXDOT

Al Mok
Session 2 - MobilityQuincy Lee Centennial Professor - UT Austin
2:45pm : Keynote #3
Ultra-Low Power Wearables Systems: The Quest for Brain Efficiency
Smart wearable devices are poised as the next frontier of innovation in the context of Internet-of-Things (IoT) to be able to provide personalized healthcare by interacting also with everyday objects. This new family of smart wearable devices provide a great opportunity for the next-generation of artificial intelligence (AI) based medical devices. However, major key challenges remain in achieving this potential due to inherent resource-constrained nature of wearable systems, coupled with their (in principle) limited computing power and data gathering requirements for Big Data medical applications, which can result in degraded and unreliable behavior and short lifetime. This new trend of smarter wearable architectures will need to combine new ULP multi-core embedded systems with neural network accelerators, as well as including energy-scalable software layers to monitor medical pathologies by event-driven monitoring.
Key Takeaways:
- Healthcare operations must enable remote monitoring through next-generation medical “smart wearable devices” (SWD).
- SWD must embrace completely the concept of edge AI to enable personalized healthcare and energy-efficient operation.
- Fog computing complements SWD to provide accurate diagnosis, fast response times, and avoid cloud-based storage of sensitive data.
David Atienza is Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and leads the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, Switzerland. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from UCM (Spain) and IMEC (Belgium). His research interests focus on system-level design methodologies for energy-efficient multi-processor system-on-chip architectures (MPSoC) and next-generation smart embedded systems (particularly wearables) for the Internet of Things (IoT) era. In these fields, he is co-author of more than 300 publications, seven patents, and has received several best paper awards in top conferences. He was the Technical Program Chair of DATE 2015 and General Chair of DATE 2017. Dr. Atienza has received the DAC Under-40 Innovators Award in 2018, IEEE TCCPS Mid-Career Award in 2018, an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2016, the IEEE CEDA Early Career Award in 2013, the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award in 2012, and a Faculty Award from Sun Labs at Oracle in 2011. He is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, and the President (period 2018-2019) of IEEE CEDA.

David Atienza
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and head of the Embedded Systems Laboratory at EPFL, Switzerland.
3:15 – 3:30pm : Break & Networking
3:30 – 5:00 : Session 3 “Healthcare”
Explore transformation to smart health and wellness. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Smart hospitals/tele-health/Telemedicine and personalization.

Sani Nassif
Chair - Session 3 - HealthcareFounder, Radyalis

Amy Daali
Session 3 - HealthcareFounder and CEO - Lucea AI

Jean Anne Booth
Session 3 - HealthcareCEO - UnaliWear

Semih Aslan
Session 3 - HealthcareIngram School of Engineering, Texas State University

Heena Rathore
Session 3 - HealthcareData Scientist - Hiller Measurements

Roozbeh Jafari
Session 3 - HealthcareAssociate Professor - Texas A&M University
5:00 – 5:30 : Executive Panel Recap
The panel will be moderated by Fawzi Behmann and Adam Drobot
Reflections and perspectives — 15 min
Audience Q&A — 15 min