Upcoming IEEE Events

IEEE Communications Society sponsors major conferences each year, attracting learners and leaders in communications technology both as presenters and attendees. Industry researchers and practitioners gather to share ideas and visions in technical presentations, tutorials, workshops, keynotes, demonstrations, and multi-disciplinary panels.


Come and join us this spring at WFIoT2020 in New Orleans where the creativity of the mind, the colorful imagination of the Jazz music, and the gorgeous delicious spicy food meet.


EDS provides support for 57 meetings, conferences, workshops and symposia throughout the world. For 23 of these conferences, the Society serves as either the sole financial sponsor or a co-sponsor with other technical organizations both within and outside of IEEE. For its other 34 conferences, EDS provides non-financial support in the form of ‘technical co-sponsorship’.


CEDA sponsors and co-sponsors many different conferences and workshops to foster design automation of electronic circuits and systems. CEDA also has several technical sponsorships.


For over 30 years the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society has been providing training and invaluable resources to engineers, designers and manufacturers. We have helped propel vehicular technology beyond what was thought possible.
