AFTERNOON Big Data Clustering with Urban Analytics π Applications and Advancement in Smart Health π SESSIONS SO FAR EVENING Bioinformatics and Python for untangling genomes! π Making Event-Driven Enterprise a Reality π Smart Watering for Parklands – Automation and Visualisation π Artificial Intelligence in Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things Applications π Applications and Advancement in Satellite Technology and Agriculture π Applications and Advancement in Energy Harvesting for IoT Systems π IoT and the myth of measurement π Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems Security π Real Time IoT Analytics Challenges: a perspective π Robotics in Australia… π Industrial IoT advancements and applications π WS-4: Time Series Data Analysis π IoT Security π Blockchain technology for IoT π WS-3: Data Processing and Exploration π From Cloud to Edge… π Convergence of Bigdata, cloud computing and IoT π WS-2: Fundamentals of Data Handling π Next Generation Mesh Technologies π Security and networking in IoT systems π WS-1: Fundamentals of Data Handling π Introduction to the Internet of Things and its architecture π Advancement of IoT technologies like IoT Gateway and Sensors π Applications and Advancement in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy π