Dr. Anne Robertson is a Distinguished Service Professor and William Kepler Whiteford Endowed Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Pittsburgh. The focus of Dr. Robertson’s research is understanding the relationship between structure and mechanical function in biological soft tissues and using this knowledge to improve treatments of disease. She co-directs a multi-national program on cerebral aneurysms that is supported by the NIH and engages four clinical centers and three universities. She held a four-year term as a standing member of an NIH Study Section in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. She has held visiting faculty positions at institutions including the Bernoulli Center at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), the Politecnico di Milano, University of Aachen, and Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon. Dr. Robertson earned a B.S. at Cornell University and her M.S. and PhD degrees at U.C. Berkeley, all in Mechanical Engineering. She was a President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering, also at U.C. Berkeley.