Hong Qiao

Prof. Qiao is deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, the group leader of Robotic Theory and Application (more than 50 researchers) in  Institute of Automation, CAS. She is Winner of National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar. Prof. Qiao has made excellent contributions to interdisciplinary research between robotics and other areas and also among different directions in robotic area. She is an internationally-recognized and highly-cited pioneer researcher in high-precision robotic manipulation and biologically-inspired robotic cognition and manipulation. Her contributions are evidenced by more than 230 international journal and conference papers (150 SCI Indexed) with 2900+ total citation and H-Index of 28, and 56 patents. Her theory of “Attractive Region in Environment (ARIE)” —reported as “Qiao’s Concept” —has been widely applied in industrial robots in China. She was awarded Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award (the highest fundamental research award in China) in 2014. She also serves as AEs of 6 IEEE Transactions and Editor-in-chief of Assembly Automation (SCI). She established three industrialization bases in China for robotic assembly and detection. Some of the products became standardized and achieved best seller in local market. The base in Huizhou also got rewarded as New-type R & D institutions by local government.


乔红,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,中科院“百人计划”研究员,IEEE Fellow。目前担任复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室副主任、北京市机器人“手-眼-脑”融合智能研究与应用重点实验室主任、九三学社中央科技委副主任。


她当选并连任全球IEEE RAS (机器人与自动化学会)管理委员会委员(RAS主要理事机构,委员会成员18人,全球会员1万4千人),为中国籍学者首次当选和连任。她受邀担任装配领域国际知名SCI期刊Assembly Automation主编,并担任包括多种IEEE Trans在内的著名国际SCI期刊编委。