Yanfang Wang

Dr. Wang jointed the Institute in 2008 after working in the United States for 22 years. She obtained both her Master and PhD degree from Cornell University, United States with the support of United Nations University Fellowship Award. She was later award the NIH Individual National Research Service Award (NRSA) for her postdoctoral research at Cornell University and Duke University Medical Center.

Dr. Wang attended the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) at Duke Clinical Research Institute, when working at Duke University Nutrition Center, and obtained the degree on Mater of Health Sciences (MHSc) in 2004.

Dr. Wang had beenworked on several research projects including PKUHSC-Duke collaboration study focusing on “Weight loss using new media strategies among adults in Beijing”. She is taking a role of team leader on collaboration research projects between PUCRI and PUHSC hospital in this particular research project.She also plays a coordinator role for the Joint Institute of Peking University Health Sciences Center (PUHSC) and Michigan Medical Center in Clinical Research and Translational Medicine.  She has also worked on a collaboration research project with Peking University 2nd Hospital in a large epidemiological study titled“Establishment of EKG Database of Healthy Chinese Adults”.

Dr. Wang is experienced in population epidemiological studies and clinical trials; and has been involved in several large population epidemiological studies and clinical epidemiological study, such as China-Cornell-Oxford Environmental and Health Study (China Study) ; 1995 China National Diabetes Survey; “The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” (DASH) Trial; and the “Premier Study”, a clinical trial using comprehensive lifestyle modification for blood pressure control, when worked at Duke University, United States.

In 2016, Dr. Wang was awarded by theproject of “Research on Nutrition and Behavior Intervention Key Technologies and Application Strategies for Cerebrovascular Diseases”, fromthe Ministry of Science and Technology.

王燕芳教授1982年毕业于北京医学院(现北京大学医学部),同年受聘于中国疾病控制中心营养与食品卫生研究所。 于1987年获联合国大学奖学金赴美国康奈尔大学学习,并获得老年营养学硕士和营养流行病学博士学位。在康奈尔大学工作期间曾参加多项老年营养与健康方面研究,及中国预防医学科学院(CDC)营养研究所-美国康奈尔大学-英国牛津大学共同进行的“中国健康调查”研究项目。2000年赴杜克大学医学院的老年健康中心、心理及行为科学系及杜克大学营养中心工作,曾参加国际著名的“使用膳食干预方法控制高血压(DASH)研究”。2008年加入北京大学临床研究所,参与了“国际创新药物研发与管理高级课程(CCDRS)”及“北京大学临床研究项目(PUCRP)”项目的创立和部分组织管理工作。目前,分管研究所的国际合作和二级学科的教学质量,负责生物样本库和医学信息支撑平台建设,主持“临床研究科学专家系列讲座课程”及“临床研究文献阅读课”的教学工作,是国家重点研发计划课题“中国心脏健康膳食的开发与评价”的负责人。