Lei Han

Ms. Lei Han, Master of Engineering, Professor of Editorship, Director of the editorial department of both Proceedings of the CSEE and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. She also serves as Secretary General of WIP of IEEE PES China, Member of the CSEE Editorial Committee, and Trainer of State Grid Corporation of China. She has been engaged in journal editing and management for 17 years, edited more than 500 manuscripts, organized and reported various hot topics in electrical engineering. She participated in the organization of many international events such as the Workshop on Policies & Market Mechanism: Renewable Energy Promotion (2018, Hong Kong), and IEEE PES China WIP Forum (2018, Beijing). Under her leadership, Proceedings of the CSEE was selected as “Elite Journal of CAST” for many years, and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation. She has won a lot of honors such as Outstanding Young Volunteer Award issued by IEEE PES China, Outstanding Editor of China Electric Power Press Association, the Award of Recommendation Press Releases organized by CAST, Outstanding Youth and “May 4th Youth Medal” of China Electric Power Research Institute, “Horse Award” for Young Editors, etc.

韩蕾,女,工学硕士,编审,中国电科院期刊中心主任助理,《中国电机工程学报》兼CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems编辑部主任。IEEE PES中国区女工委员会秘书长, 中国电机工程学会编辑委员会委员,国家电网公司兼职培训师。从事编辑工作17年,编辑稿件500余篇,策划多个热点专题报导。组织了“推进可再生能源-政策与市场机制”香港学术论坛,IEEE PES中国区女工程师论坛等国际学术会议。连续多年成功申请中国科协精品期刊项目资助,国家自然科学重点期刊专项基金项目资助。荣获IEEE PES 中国区杰出志愿者,中国电力报刊协会优秀期刊工作者,中国电机工程学会优秀会员,中国科协媒体见面会组织推荐新闻稿个人荣誉,中国电科院“十大杰出青年”及首届“五四青年奖章”,中国科技期刊青年编辑骏马奖等奖励。