Lin Gao
Lin has over 20years experience with Fortune 500 companies both in China and the U.S. across the areas of government affairs, IT, supply chain and marketing. She held the position of senior director of Global Government Affairs at Motorola Solutions China, and was responsible for managing relationship with various government bodies and trade associations for business advocacy. She was also responsible for corporate governance as well as CSR programs in Motorola Solutions China. Prior to this role, Lin had held multiple senior positions in Motorola including CIO for Asia Pacific, responsible for delivering end to end IT solutions for the region. She had also led a global IT team and a $8M IT global portfolios for Sales & Marketing.
Lin currently serves on the board of American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) advancing American businesses’ interests in China.She is the senior advisor for 100K Strong Foundation, a presidential initiative aims at strengthening U.S. China relationship through exchanges of young people.
As a certified Marshall Goldsmith leadership coach and Erickson professional coach,Lin helps executives at MNCs to further improve their leadership andcommunication skills. Lin is also a sought-after trainer in the business communication (both internal & external), influencing and presentation.
帮助别人也是个专业活,作为美国马歇尔戈得史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)领导力教练和加拿大埃里克森学院认证教练,国际教练联盟(ICF)成员,她希望能够将专业的教练技术带入到她的文字,培训和演讲中助力他人成长。她曾多次参与过TEDx演讲(中英文)并在行业峰会担任主讲嘉宾和主持人。