Dawei Li
Li Dawei is the founder of China Thinkers Bureau, a Think-tank bridging global technology and innovation minds between western and China.
During 2013 to 2017, he worked as the Chief international editor of China Policy Review, under Development Research Center of the State Council. Before that, he has been the founding team member of Caixin media, where he worked as Executive Manager of China Economics and Finance,and Comparative economic studies.
Dawei is a visiting scholar of MIT andvisiting researcher of Tsinghua University. In 2015, together with Jack Ma -founder of Alibaba, he was a board member of Yintai Philanthropy Management Research Center of Peking University. He received a Master degree in Creative Enterprises and Media Management from University of Warwick, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Bradford.
Dawei is the author of The Final Question: Dialogues with Global Leading Minds followed by The Future of China Economy: dialogues with 10 Nobel laureates in economics.Daweiis a frequent commentator of China Global Television Network.
李大巍是麻省理工学院访问学者,清华技术创新中心兼职研究员。2015年,他与企业家沈国军、马云及北大校长林建华一起任北大银泰公益管理中心理事。李大巍著有《对话最强大脑:精英眼中的未来世界》《中国经济的未来:10位诺贝尔经济学家对话》,多次担任央视国际CGTN评论员。 李大巍于英国华威大学获得创意企业和媒体管理硕士,在布拉德福德大学获得商学士。