IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science.
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
See More: https://wie.ieee.org/

About ILS Beijing 2019
IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summits (WIE ILS) provide regional opportunities to foster networking, mentorship, and collaboration. 2019 IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit Beijing(WIE ILS Beijing)is the first WIE ILS held in China, as part of the portfolio of global initiatives that focus on Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Emerging/Future Technology, will bring a brilliant opportunity to Chinese participants.
IEEE国际女工程师领导力峰会(WIE ILS)提供区域合作机会,以促进沟通,指导和协作。 2019年IEEE国际女工程师领导力峰会北京(WIE ILS北京)是第一个在中国举办的WIE ILS大会,专注于多元化,企业家精神,领导力和新兴/未来技术,将为中国与会者提供一次绝佳的参与机会。
As the first Leadership Summit held by IEEE WIE in China, this summit will invite local government, IEEE fellow, entrepreneurs, scientists, scholars, human resource, professional trainer, etc. which will brings the new generation of mobile communication technology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, block chains and other latest technologies to the participants. The summit will also discuss the integration of technology and business, international competition and cooperation opportunities in the context of globalization. At the same time, thematic dialogues would be organized to explore diverse and inclusive topics.
作为IEEE WIE首次在中国举行的领导力峰会,本次大会将邀请当地政府、IEEE 院士、企业家、科学家、学者、工程师、人力资源和教练等领袖,为与会者带来新一代移动通信技术、人工智能、可再生能源、区块链等最新技术。探讨技术和商业的融合,全球化环境下的国际竞争与合作机会。同时将组织专题对话,探讨多元化和包容性话题。
Organizer:IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group
Date: Sep 6-7, 2019
Address: Dongshengguojikexueyuan, No.1 Yongtaizhuang North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
(The nearest metro station is Yongtaizhuang Station(Line 8), a shuttle bus from metro station to conference venue will be provided.)
Hotel Recommendation:

Advisory Committee:
Deepak Mathur, IEEE 2021-2022 R10 Director
Kukjin Chun, IEEE 2017-2018 R10 Director
Tieniu Tan, IEEE Fellow
Qiuqi Ruan, IEEE Beijing Section Chair
Lishuang Feng, IEEE Beijing Section WIE Coordinator
Ning Hua, Senior Director, IEEE Asia Operation
Organizing Committee:
Jing Dong, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chunqi Jiang, IEEE Computer Society
Zhu Tang, AWS
Patricia Wang, Intel
Julia Zhu
Qing Wang, IBM
Lan Wang, IEEE China
Yonghua Lin, IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group
Lei Han, China Electric Power Research Institute
Yanli Liu, Tianjin University
Lulu Zhang, DiDi
Nan Wang, Face++
Hillary, Google
Daisy Wang, Peking Unversity
Qiuyang, IBM