Charlotte ROULE
Charlotte ROULE is Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE CHINA. She joined ENGIE China back in 2016 initially as COO, Head of Business Development and Innovation. In line with ENGIE’s strategy and values, she promoted and developed there clean energy (mainly solar and electrical mobility) as well as energy efficiency. ENGIE China now operates directly 6 joint ventures in these areas, covering design and engineering, development and operations. Before working in China, Mrs. Roule was based in Cheshire, UK, where, jointly with her team, she’s been developing the largest onshore underground gas storage of the country. Prior to this, she served as VP, Audit and Risks and VP, HR in Storengy, ENGIE’s affiliate dedicated to underground gas storage, based near Paris. Mrs. Roule is a member of the Jinan Mayor’s International Economic Consultation Committee. She also acts as mentor of the Board of the Women in Renewables Asia (WiRA) organization. She is external trade advisor of the French Government and vice-president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China.
夏澜女士于 2009 年加入 ENGIE 集团下属专门从事天然气地下储存业务的 Storengy 公司。夏澜女士先 是出任人力资源副总裁,随后又担任审计、风险管控和资产优化副总裁。2013 年夏澜女士被任命为 Storengy 英国公司总经理,负责 ENGIE 集团在英国一个天然气地下储气库的建设和商业运营,该项目 随后也成为英国最大的天然气地下储气设施。 2016 年 7 月,夏澜女士加盟 ENGIE 中国公司,担任首席运营官、业务发展及创新负责人,得以充分发 挥其在能源领域的丰富经验。2017 年 4 月 27 日,夏澜女士正式出任 ENGIE 中国首席执行官。 夏澜女士是济南市市长国际经济咨询委员会成员,亚洲新能源女性联盟理事会的导师。同时,她还担任 法国政府外部贸易顾问和中国欧盟商会副会长职务。