Daisy Wang

Daisy WANG Director of Corporate Partnership, National School of Development, Peking University; former Associate Dean of BiMBA. Daisy has great passion in personal and organizational development. She has 15-year professional experience of talent development-MBA and EMBA- in China’s top management school. She joined Peking University in 2003, working for the Beijing International MBA program (BiMBA) of National School of Development, growing up from a junior staff to associate dean, gaining rich experience in talent development, program operation and team leading, and building up strong network in business community and academic institutions. She has also deeply involved in the collaborations between Peking University and US and European top management schools, such as Fordham University (New York, US), Vlerick Business School (Brussels, Belgium) and University College London-UCL (London, UK). Her job domains include MBA talent recruiting, program marketing and branding, student service, career development and key projects from the deans. Since October 2017, she started with corporate partnerships at the National School of Development at Peking University, working closely with big corporations on their top management leadership development and branding mainly. She values passion, professionalism, sense of responsibility, people caring and team spirit in work. She has made several interview videos and written articles about talent development in business schools, manager’s career development, women leadership and program selection. She has also spent lot of time talking with thousands of MBA candidates and students from worldwide, supporting their career planning and program application, gaining trust and good reputation among students and alumni. In addition, she devotes her time, energy and network in social service. She is the advisory board member for LEANIN China (since 2015), ETS Business School Advisory Board member (2016-2017), working committee member of CHO100-Chief Human Resources Officer 100, initiated by National School of Development Peking University (since 2017), and Chairperson of Psychological Capital Committee (PCC) associated with ZhongGuanCun Talent Association (2018-2020). She is also the founder of a learning platform for start-up CEOs. Daisy graduated from Nankai University in 2002 with a master degree in management. She continued study at Peking University’s BiMBA program and obtained the MBA degree from Fordham University in 2010. She was the chairperson of student union in the university and has always been student leader in schools. She describes herself as a self-starter, a perseverant and caring person. She is good at swimming and yoga, and has strong interest in psychology and Chinese traditional culture.

王欣女士,北京大学国家发展研究院企业关系主任、前BiMBA商学院副院长 王欣女士,中国工商管理教育运营管理专业人士。现任北京大学国家发展研究院企业关系主任,与国内外知名企业和商会协会开展合作。曾经担任北京大学国家发展研究院BiMBA商学院副院长,主管招生、营销、学生服务、职业发展、排名等业务工作和团队管理。在商学院任职的15年时间里,她多次接受专业媒体采访,为国内外MBA申请人提供申请指导和职业发展规划辅导。2016-2017年受邀担任美国ETS全球顶尖商学院招生顾问委员会委员、中国大陆唯一代表。 工作之余她积极投入公益事业,担任女性个人发展和职业发展互助平台Lean In China励媖中国顾问委员会委员、中关村人才协会心理资本委员会主席,并创办以创业CEO为主体的公益互助学习平台“未名CEO百人会”。 南开大学管理学硕士、美国福坦莫大学MBA。