Registration Fees
Registration covers all WiSEE 2020 tracks and workshops. Reduced fees are possible for generous contributions of our host, CONFARTIGIANATO, Vicenza, Italy.
Conference registration:
Early Registration: before September 15, 2020
Author/presenter rate: $200
Attendee rate (IEEE Members): $75
Attendee rate (IEEE Student/Life Mem): $50
Attendee rate (Non-Members): $100
Regular Registration: after September 15, 2020
Attendee rate (IEEE Members): $100
Attendee rate (IEEE Student/Life Mem): $75
Attendee rate (Non-Members): $150
You need to add IEEE membership number to your EDAS profile to receive the discounted members only rate. Authors of accepted papers need to register before submitting their final manuscript. Registration can be cancelled for a partial refund (minus $50 administration fee) before Oct 10.