About Andescon

ANDESCON is the bi-annual Conference of the Andean Council of the IEEE that joins members throughout the world and Latin America with major emphasis in the Andean countries of: Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. The main objective is to share technical advances and recent developments in areas related to electrical, electronics, communications, systems, robotics, bio-engineering, Engineering Education and energy.

At ANDESCON 2024, the following activities will take place:

1.      Keynote Lectures: Delivered by distinguished international professionals, addressing current topics of great relevance to industry, academia, and government.

2.      Workshops: Conducted by industry professionals and researchers, presenting practical applications of new research, standards, and more.

3.      Call for Papers: A space dedicated to the publication of research on the following topics of interest:

  1. Circuits, Systems and Electron Devices
  2. Computational Intelligence
  3. Education in Engineering
  4. Industrial Electronics
  5. Robotics and Automation Systems
  6. Smart Cities and Smart Mobility
  7. Technology & Engineering Management
  8. Communications
  9. Computer and Software Engineering
  10. Engineering in Medicine and Biology
  11. Power and Energy
  12. Signal Processing & Aerospace
  13. Systems and Control
  14. Mechanics and materials

Latest paper indexing in IEEE Xplore

Contact us

Paraninfo Universitario UNSAAC (Mantas 117, Cusco 08002)
Cusco - Perú