Registration fees for Authors

For Authors who present a paper

Authors must register and pay until July 31th, 2024 to be included in the conference program!

IEEE ANDESCON 2024 Author Registration
until 31 July 2024
Authors 1
708 USD
Authors Members of IEEE 1
590 USD
Options -----------------------------------------
Additional Paper – Author 2
354 USD
Additional Paper - Authors Members of IEEE 2
295 USD

Registrations are only valid after receipt of payment.

1 One paper is included in the conference fee, for each additional paper a fee of Author 354 USD or Authors Members of IEEE 295 USD is charged.

2 One author can registers a maximum of 02 papers in Andescon 2024.

Conference Registration Includes:

• Oral presentation of accepted paper.
• Digital author certificate.
• Registration kit.
• Admission to all sessions and tutorials.
• Coffee break (September 11th to 13th).
• Dinner or Cocktail (September 11th to 13th).
• On-line program book of the program conference and abstracts;
• On-line access to the conference proceedings.

Bank charges

• Please note that all bank charges are at the expense of the debitor.
• Please make sure that you pay both (check OUR on the transaction form).

Registration Process:

1. Registration Payment:

A. Option 01: Wire transfer
Bank Name: Banco de Crédito del Perú
Currency: US Dollars (American dollars)
Account Number: 191‐1191456‐1‐17
Interbank Account Code (CCI): 00219100119145611757 (only for Peruvian citizens)
SWIFT Code: BCPLPEPL (international transfers only)
Bank Address: 156 Centenario Street, La Molina, Lima, Peru
Telephone number of the bank: (+51) 933 129 554

Email contact Andescon: /

Legal information of the IEEE Peru Section

Company Name: Peru Section of The Institute Of Electrical
And Electronics Engineers Inc.
RUC (NIC): 20502206134
Legal Address: Av. República de Chile No. 284 Int. 204
Legal Representative: César Beltrán Castañón

B. Option 02: Payment with VISA card

Andescon 2024 Author Registration
until 31 July 2024
VISA payment link
until 31 July 2024
Authors 1
708 USD
Authors Members of IEEE 1
590 USD
Andescon 2024 Author Registration
until 31 July 2024
VISA payment link
until 31 July 2024
Additional Paper – Author 2
354 USD
Additional Paper - Authors Members of IEEE 1
295 USD

2. Send evidence of Payment (Participant):

Send the voucher or evidence of payment to the email cith copy With the following information per participant:

- Full names:
- surnames:
- National Identity Document or Passport:
- Country:
- ID number paper - easychair:
- Institution to which it belongs:
- Position:
- Email:
- Mobile:
- Nro Member IEEE (to apply for the discount):

If you require an Invoice, you must provide the following information: Corporate Name, RUC and Address, to generate the receipt.

3. Confirmation of registration (Andescon).
Andescon will contact the person (s) confirming their registration by replying to the payment email.
IMPORTANT: Deadline for the registration of AUTHORS: July 31th, 2024

Registration Requirements for paper Submission

An author or at least one of the co-authors must be previously registered in the event in order to present their work in the symposium sessions. Authors must send its final version of their paper. Otherwise, they’ll not be considered for the oral presentations and will be out of this call for papers. The submission of the final version and the oral presentation are mandatory for publication of your paper in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. One paper must have a maximum of 04 authors.

Cancellations Policies:
A refund is possible if requested until August 31th, 2024, an application must be sent to the Conference Chair (Cesar Beltran Castañon) and sent to the e-mail with copy, indicating the reasons, if accepted the Cancellation fee of US $ 120.00 will be deducted from the registration fee paid. There will be no refunds for applications received after this date. If an author has uploaded a paper using their payment, the payment will not be reimbursed, even if the paper is withdrawn.

Substitutions for those registered will be processed until August 15th, 2024 (without penalty). All requests for substitutions must be sent by e-mail to the Conference Chair to the e-mail with copy .

Visa Letters:
For those who require visas for Peru, please request your visa invitation letter to the e-mail with copy

Contact us

Paraninfo Universitario UNSAAC (Mantas 117, Cusco 08002)
Cusco - Perú