The Committee, on request, shall give advice to the Executive Committee and other committees such as ANDESCON congress. A primary function shall be to advise strategic decisions and other key issues of the Andean Council. The Committee shall consist of the two (2) immediate Past-chair Andean council, the chair being the Junior Past-President. One (1) Past-chair Section where the last IEEE Andescon congress was held. And two (2) section chairs/past-chairs of the countries that compose the Andean council.
Carlos Lozano (Chair)
Past chair Andean Council 2020-2021
José Durán
Past chair Andean Council 2018-2020
Mara Falconí
Past chair of IEEE Ecuador 2020-2021
Andrés Navarro
Chair of IEEE Colombia 2021-2022
Mónica Huerta
Chair of IEEE Ecuador 2022-2023