Full Paper Submission Guidelines
- Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of 4 to maximum 6 pages (A4 size), in the form of PDF file to the conference electronically through the following link here.
- Each paper must be original and unpublished work, has not been submitted for other publication elsewhere.
- All papers submitted must follow the IEEE Conference format which can be downloaded from the following link [IEEE Paper Template]
- The authors must not indicate their names, affiliations and acknowledgements in the body of submitted paper. The authors only give their personal information during the online submission.
- A peer review process will be used to evaluate all papers submitted for consideration.
- If a paper is accepted, at least one author need to register and present the paper
For Authors Action
Upon paper acceptance, authors may start preparing for the conference. Below is a simple checklist and guideline for reference:
- Revise your paper
- Take into account the suggestions and corrections highlighted by the reviewers.
- The length of the final paper should be no more than 6 pages in A4 size, including figures, tables and references.
- Please use the given template either in Word or Latex and do not use any other template. Failure to do so may result in your paper exclusion from IEEE Xplore.
- Please remove this footer for copyright like this “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©️20XX IEEE” in the IEEE Paper Template before convert to pdf.
- Register and pay the conference fee
- All registration must be done through EDAS.
- All payments must also be done through EDAS (USD rates apply).
- However local participants paying in Malaysian Ringgit can also pay directly to the conference account. Please email the proof of payment to apl2023.langkawi@gmail.com.
- For IEEE members, please update your EDAS profile to include your IEEE membership ID.
- For student author, please email the scanned copy of your student identification card to apl2023.langkawi@gmail.com.
- Upload the camera ready paper
- The camera ready paper must be uploaded only through EDAS. Authors need to convert and check their final manuscript before uploading to EDAS at the PDF eXpress website using Conference ID: 57308X.
- Please complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Form (eCF) in EDAS.
- Arrange your travel and accommodation
- Depending on your nationality, you may be required to apply for a visa in advance to enter Malaysia.
- Accommodation can be booked either through the hotel’s official website or through the many hotel reservation sites such as Booking.com, Agoda, etc.
- Update the presenter information (in EDAS profile of the presenter)
- Please state who among the authors will be attending and presenting your paper.
- Make sure the presenter name is correct as it will be used in the certificate of attendance/presentation.
- Please also update a short biography of the presenter in his/her EDAS profile.
- Please indicate if the attendee/presenter requires vegetarian meals.
- Prepare your APL 2023 presentation
- Please check whether your paper is to be presented as Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation here.
- For oral presentation, please use the official APL 2023 presentation slide template (click here to download).
- For poster presentation, please use the official APL 2023 poster presentation (A1 size) template (click here to download).
- Please upload the softcopy version of your Powerpoint (ppt) presentation slide / one-page poster in EDAS. For poster presentation, authors are required to bring the printed one-page copy (A1 size) to the conference themselves.
Paper Publication
All proceedings of the past APL have been published in IEEE Xplore and accepted papers of APL 2023 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.