Parallel forum on June 14th, 2023 in Langkawi, Malaysia. The proposed theme is sharing career experiences in the high-voltage/lightning area and highlighting the interesting projects that the forum panelists have worked on. The target is to expose women engineers in the high-voltage/lightning area and give motivation to young professionals aiming to go into the high-voltage/lightning area.
Panelist 1
Noradlina Abdullah (Technical Expert, TNB Research Sdn Bhd, Malaysia)

Brief Biography of Noradlina Abdullah
Noradlina Abdullah was born on 29 September 1978 in Muar, Johor. She graduated with a Master’s in electrical engineering (2012) and Bachelor’s in electrical & electronic engineering (2001) from Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia. She is working with TNB Research Sdn Bhd as a technical expert (lightning protection). She has over 15 years of extensive expertise in spearheading more than 60 full-spectrum research and consultancy project within the field of lightning protection and earthing with over 25 publications and papers presented in these areas. She is very well versed in conducting overhead line lightning performance, earthing grid design and safety assessment (including field measurement and analysis) using specialized software (i.e. TFlash, EPRI, CDEGS, Sigma SLP, and PSCAD), conducting myriad technical analyses on lightning data and lightning protection as well as delivering various training programs in this field. Her research interests are lightning measurement, lightning protection, and earthing system assessment. Ir. Abdullah is a registered Professional Engineer with a Practicing Certificate in Electronic, a member of the Board of Engineers (Malaysia), and an IEC Young Professional expert serving TC81 (Lightning Protection) MT16 and MT17 under the Malaysian National Standard Committee.
Panelist 2
Dr Nadiah Salwi Hudi (Principal Engineer, TNB Malaysia)

Brief Biography of Nadiah Salwi Hudi
Dr. Nadiah is a principal engineer in the Malaysian power, transmission and distribution utility, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. She has been working in the field of overhead transmission lines for 17 years. Her main interest is the improvement of lightning and grounding issues related to overhead transmission lines. Her current role includes assessing and evaluating new overhead lines product/technology, overhead line product design, reviewing line performances and providing technical support to the overhead line operational teams. She is a member of the Study Committee of the CIGRE B2 group since 2019 and an active member of the AORC-CIGRE B2 Panel Group since 2014.
Panelist 3
Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Hazlee Azil Illias (Associate Professor, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)

Brief Biography of Hazlee Azil Bin Illias
Hazlee Azil Illias was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He received Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universiti Malaya, Malaysia in 2006. He immediately joined Freescale Semiconductors (M) Sdn. Bhd. as a product engineer before pursuing his PhD studies in 2008. He obtained PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom in 2011. He was a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Malaya from 2011 to 2016. Since 2016, he has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Malaya. He was the Head of Department of Electrical Engineering from September 2013 to July 2014. Since joining the Universiti Malaya, he has received funding and grants of nearly RM 3 Million (~USD 0.7 Million), published more than 70 journal papers in ISI-indexed publications and 70 refereed conference papers and successfully supervised to completion of 11 PhD, 5 Master’s Degree by research and 27 Master’s Degree project (by coursework) candidates. He is an active reviewer for numerous high quality journals, which include publishers from IEEE, IET, Elsevier and IOP. He is currently an Associate Editor of IET Science Measurement and Technology. Since 2011, he has been the Head of Universiti Malaya High Voltage Laboratory and Research Group. He was the Secretary of IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) Malaysia Chapter from 2015 to 2019. Since 2018, he has been the Counselor of IEEE Universiti Malaya Student Branch. He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Member of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Corporate Member of IEM (Institution of Engineers Malaysia), a registered Chartered Engineer (C.Eng UK) and a Professional Engineer (P.Eng Mal). His main research interests include modelling and measurement of partial discharge phenomena in solid dielectric insulation, condition monitoring, insulation system diagnosis, lightning overvoltage, transmission line modelling, optimisation methods and artificial intelligence techniques.
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Miszaina Osman, (Associate Professor, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia)

Brief Biography of Miszaina Osman
Miszaina Osman is an Associate Professor and currently the Deputy Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) under the College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia. Miszaina is a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.), Professional Technologist (P. Tech.), Asean Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) and a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.), UK. She is a Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), member of Institute of Engineering and Technology UK (IET), and The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). She is currently the Vice Chair for IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter, and member in the National Mirror Committee of IEC TC81 (Lightning Protection) and a country’s representative to the IEC TC 81, for which Malaysia is a Permanent Member. Her research interests include power system grounding, lightning protection, insulation coordination and high voltage engineering.