Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024, 23:59 IST
Step 1: Submit your file for review only after reading the following information, including instructions on the Preparation of Papers page.
Step 2: Upload the source file for your paper to IEEE PDF Express and approve the Xplore compliant PDF created by that site. For further details, review the Preparation of Papers and follow the instructions under How to Create an IEEE Xplore Compliant PDF.
Step 3: The author should upload the PDF created from the PDF Express site to the EDKCON Submission site.
IMPORTANT: Successfully uploading your paper does not indicate your paper fulfills the page limits or formatting requirements. This will only be verified by EDKCON at a later stage and submissions that are found in violation of those requirements will be rejected from consideration. It is the author’s responsibility to fully follow the Preparation of Papers.
The paper submitted must be a 4-6 page with at least 2 pages of text. If accepted, this paper will be used for publication as submitted. There are no changes allowed to the paper once it has been submitted for review. Also, if accepted, authors are required to transfer their copyrights in a final submission stage, which will be after the acceptance of the paper.
50-Word Abstract for the IEEE EDKCON Web Page and abstract of book preparation
This abstract is a brief synopsis (50 words) of your paper. Accepted 50-word abstracts will be used in preparing the EDKCON web page and abstract of book preparation. The abstract should be prepared and inserted into the appropriate text box marked Abstract for the 50-word abstract on the submission website. DO NOT INCLUDE THE 50-WORD ABSTRACT AS A SEPARATE PAGE WITH YOUR SUBMISSION.
Acceptance Notification
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by end-September. The accepted paper must be registered and presented at the conference by one of the listed authors*. If an author has got more than one accepted paper, each paper has also to be registered.
*For outstation candidates under special conditions, virtual mode of presentation is acceptable.
Paper review process
After submission, the paper enters into the review process. EDKCON 2024 research papers are reviewed using a single-blind process managed through the Conference portal. A committee of reviewers selected by the Technical Committee will review the documents and rate them according to quality, relevance, correctness, and originality. The review process of research papers for EDKCON 2024 will be a two-round process. Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). In the first round, papers are reviewed independently by a minimum of three members of the conference Technical Program Committee (TPC). No outside reviewing is used for In the first round, papers are reviewed independently by a minimum of three members of the conference Technical Program Committee (TPC). No outside reviewing is used for EDKCON 2024.
Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.