Call for Industry Forums and Exhibition Program Proposal

Proposals are sought for forums, panels, presentations and demos, specifically from the Semiconductor, VLSI or IT industries.

IEEE EDKCON 2024 will host Industry Forum sessions during the conference, addressing an impressive variety of themes. Industry speakers are invited to discuss industry, technology directions, and, most importantly, challenges for the companies. These presentations inform the attendees on the vision and application of technologies in business and what challenges companies are encountering. The forum also offers the opportunity for researchers to study the particular challenge and know the contact in the companies should they have a solution that the company might utilize. We want all conference attendees to engage in the Industry Forum and listen to the presentations of our industry speakers so all communities can benefit.

EDKCON 2024 is soliciting proposal for panels to complement the EDKCON 2024 scientific program and/or the Industry Forum & Exhibition (IF&E) program.


The EDKCON 2024 IF&E program will consist of Industry Sessions and Industry Panels on the following main topics: Devices for IoT, Low-power Issues, Devices for 5G/6G, Digital Health and Electronics, Electronics Technology Trends. These are the suggestive topics but not limited to these only. The VLSI and Semiconductor Industry professionals can talk about any specific test topic of interest with test community at large.  The participant can present the success stories, new findings, tricks for improvement in efforts, a problem for open discussion, a project with possibility of collaboration with academia or research institutes.

The standard formats for events are the following.

Industry/scientific Session: 3 or 4 experts will be invited and each will present for 15 minutes. After all speakers give their presentations, an organizer will conduct a Q&A session with the audience.

Industry/scientific Panel: 3 or 4 experts will be invited and each will give a 5-minute position statement presentation. After all panelists give their short presentations, a moderator may ask several questions to the panelists before conducting a Q&A session with the audience.

All organizers and speakers are expected to be physically present in Kolkata.

Proposal submissions should be sent as a single-page pdf file attachment by email to

In the proposal, please include the following information:
▪ Title for the proposed forum/panel/session
▪ Scope/topic for the proposed forum/panel/session
▪ Name, affiliation, and email address of the organizer/moderator and of proposed speakers
▪ Brief biography of the organizer/moderator


  • Proposal deadline – September 1, 2024
  • Acceptance notification – October 1, 2024