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Instruction for Speakers
For Invited Oral Presenters
- Each oral presentation has 25 minutes, with the last 5 minutes for questions and answers.
- During the break before each session, please save your presentation file in Microsoft PowerPoint (*.pptx or *.ppt) or Portable Document Format (*.pdf) on the PC provided in the session room.
For Poster Presenters
- Please attach your poster to the board with rivets provided at the session room by the beginning of the session.
- The recommended poster size is A0 portrait (width: 841 mm, height: 1189 mm).
- Text and figures must be legible from a distance of 1 to 2 meters.
- During the session time (90 minutes), please stay in front of your poster so that you can answer questions from the participants.
- Please remove your poster immediately after the session.
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