Posts tagged with: students

Prof. Development Skills for Career Success

Professional Development Skills for Career Success – Friday 8th of July, 2:30 – 3:55pm
Session 1: Developing Communication and Leadership Skills 
In the current world, especially after covid era, we now realize better than ever that we can operate from any part of the world only through effective …

Career Limiting Beliefs: Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Career Limiting Beliefs: Understanding Emotional Intelligence – Friday 8th July 2022, 4.00 – 4.40pm

In a 2011 Career Builder Survey of more than 2,600 hiring managers and human resource professionals:
-71 percent stated they valued emotional intelli­gence in an employee over IQ;
-75 percent said they were more …

LinkedIn for Career Success

LinkedIn for Career Success – Friday 8th July 2022, 5.00 – 5.40pm

87% of recruiters use LinkedIn specifically to find candidates for jobs.
94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet job candidates.
If you are not using LinkedIn effectively you may be  missing out on the opportunities you …