Panel Submissions
Submit a Panel
Panels are 90-minute sessions with multiple presenters. Panels may be comprised of multiple speakers organized around a general topic, or they may include multiple perspectives on a more specific topic. All members of the panel must register for and attend the conference.
To propose a panel, the leader of the panel should have submitted an extended abstract before the January deadline that provides a brief description of 1) the panel’s overall goals and 2) each participant’s contribution to the panel discussion. If the panel is accepted, a camera-ready version of the extended abstract has to be submitted before the deadline in May. The camera-ready extended abstract will be included in the proceedings (independent of whether or not panelists submit papers).
Individual panelists may, if they wish, submit a paper (Full, Brief, or Extended Abstract) for review and possible publication in the proceedings. For such submissions, the panel leader must submit a single file with all papers for the March deadline. Each paper will then be reviewed individually. If the panelists wish to co-author a single paper for review and possible publication in the proceedings, the panel leader must submit a single coauthored paper from all panelists for the March deadline. Panel proposals and papers will undergo double-blind review.
Please note that all panel facilitators must register for and attend the conference.

Like IEEE WIE, IEEE Professional Communication Society pledges to work towards gender-diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.