Please email SAC at if you have any questions on the SAC competitions

Lists of Student Competitions

Hardware Competition
Software Competition

Virtual Competitions

Competitions occurring virtual in advance of SoutheastCon and are formatted in a way where students compete based on their own time availability. Note that the Outreach competition does require one student from each team to attend Southeast Con 2022.

Outreach Competition

Outreach Competition period: 9/1/2021 – 3/21/2022

*Students can join the competition at any point in this time period

Interview Competition

Interview Competition period: 1/1/2022 – 3/21/2022

*Students can join the competition at any point in this time period

Resume Competition

Resume Competition period: 1/1/2022 – 3/21/2022

*Students can join the competition at any point in this time period

In Person Competitions

Competitions occurring the week/weekend of SoutheastCon and require students to be in attendance at Southeast Con

Ethics Competition
Networking Competition
T-shirt Competition
Technical Presentation Competition