IEEE SPS Seasonal School 2021 on Signal Processing and Communication Systems for 5G is featuring top experts on LDPC, AI/ML and 5G

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Signal Processing Society Local Events and Member Driven Initiative Proposal offers: Seasonal Schools, Forums, Regional Meetings, & Chapter Initiatives events for considerations. The international scholarly, Seasonal Schools, proposal collaborators included: IEEE Vizag Bay Section Communications and SPS Joint Chapter, Dr. T.S.N. Murthy, Chair, IEEE Long Island Section SPS Chapter, Dr. Jess Donaldson, Chair, & IEEE Finland SP/CAS Chapter, Dr. Alex Jung, Chair. Dr. Murthy, Dr. Donaldson & Dr. Jung’s Seasonal School proposal was successfully awarded via the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). 

This event is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and is organized by the IEEE SPS Chapters of Vizag Bay, Long Island and Finland. The IEEE’s first society, the Signal Processing Society is the world’s premier professional society for signal processing scientists and professionals since 1948. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

This IEEE Seasonal School features lectures and interactive sessions in virtual mode from 13-17 Sep 2021. The program includes an Opening Distinguished tutorial by Dr. Kiran Gunnam, the primary inventor of the advanced LDPC Error Correction Technology developed at Texas A&M University and currently used in high-volume storage and communication industry products. The event welcomes participation from researchers, practitioners, and students with strong interest to learn the latest developments in Signal Processing, Communication Systems, 5G, and AI.

Industry implementations and the IEEE standards group studies have shown that TAMU LDPC has up to 75% savings in area and power over other LDPC designs and two orders of improvements over algebraic-coded implementations. TAMU LDPC is the most advanced Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) code technology, originally developed and patented by Texas A&M University (TAMU). Dr. Kiran Gunnam, the primary inventor of TAMU LDPC and now a Distinguished Engineer at Western Digital Research will be speaking an Opening Distinguished tutorial on “LDPC based Advanced Error Correction Coding and 5G”. Prof. Francisco García, Universidad Nebrija will be speaking on the same topic on Day 2 of this school.

The intersection of AI/ML and 5G/6G became a very important topic recently. Dr. Chris Dick from NVIDIA and Mr. C. Ashok Kumar Reddy from Samsung would be delivering lectures on this topic on Day 3 and Day 5 of this school respectively. Dr. Seong Kim from Xilinx would be speaking on the use of 5G in Smart City Applications on Day 4 of this school.

Event Brochure

The 5-day program includes 3 hours of lecture followed by a Q&A session every day.  The program and free registration information can be found at

Feel free to contact the organizing committee:

Dr. T.S.N. Murthy, Chair of IEEE Vizag Bay SPS Chapter (

Dr. Jess Donaldson, Chair of IEEE LI SPS Chapter (

Dr. Alex Jung, Chair of IEEE Finland SPS Chapter (