The 2021 IEEE Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space (RiiSS2021) will bring together scientists, engineers and students from around the world to discuss the latest advances in the field of robot intelligence within the context of informationally structured space. Recently, the emerging synthesis of information technology (IT), network technology (NT), and robot technology (RT) is one of the most promising approaches to realize a safe, secure, and comfortable society for the next generation. Human-centered systems require, in particular, sophisticated physical and information services, which are based on sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent artifacts. Information resources and the accessibility within an environment are essential for people and for robots. The environment surrounding people and robots should have a structured platform for gathering, storing, transforming, and providing information. Such an environment is called informationally structured space.
The intelligent computing for the design and use of the informationally structured space should be discussed from various points of view at the same time. An intelligent robot can be an interface connecting between people and informationally structured space to search and provide information. Computational intelligence plays an important role in dealing with perception, action, decision-making, planning, adaptation, and learning of robots in the informationally structured space.
The IEEE Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space focuses on the intelligence emerging from the synthetic integration of IT, NT, and RT in the informationally structured space. Topics for contributions include, but may not be limited to the following research:
- Computational Intelligence in Robotics
- Adaptation, Learning and Evolution in Robotics
- Networked Intelligent Robotics
- Multi-Robot Systems
- Swarm Robotics
- Collective Decision Making
- Tele-operated Robots
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Human Centered Systems
- Informationally Structured Space
- Intelligent Space
- Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
Symposium Chairs
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Programme Committee
Antonio Chella University of Palermo, Italy
Boris Tudjarov Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Branislav Borovac University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Chee Seng Chan University of Malaya, Malaysia
Chrysostomos Stylios TEI OF EPIRUS, Greece
Frank Guerin University of Aberdeen, UK
Gyula Mester University of Szeged, Hungary
Hao Ying University of Wayne, USA
Hui Yu University of Portsmouth, UK
Huiyu Zhou Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Indra Adji Sulistijono Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Indonesia
Jinseok Woo Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Kazuyoshi Wada Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Kok Wai Wong Murdoch University, Australia
Lakmal Seneviratne Khalifa University, United Arad Emirates
Laurence Amaral Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
Maki Habib The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Min Jiang Xiamen University, China
Naoyuki Kubota Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Richard J. Duro Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Robert Karlsen US Army – TARDEC, USA
Ryad Chellali Nanjing Tech University, China
Ryota Ishibashi Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Samir Garbaya ENSAM – Arts et Metiers ParisTech, France
Senen Barro University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Shuming Wang National University of Singapore, Singapore
Simon Egerton Monash University, Malaysia
Stephen Stubberud Raytheon, USA
Takahiro Takeda Daiichi Institute of Technology, Japan
Takenori Obo Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
Ulrich Ruckert University of Paderborn, Germany
Valentina Balas University of Arad, Romania
Yinlai Jiang The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Takahiro Takeda Daiichi Institute of Technology, Japan
Yuichiro Toda Okayama University, Japan
Zongying Liu Dalian Maritime University, Japan
Kakudi Adamu Habeebah Bayero University, Nigeria
Manjeevan Seera Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Takuya Hashimoto Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Kevin Wong University of Murdoch, Australia