Hussein Abbass is a Full Professor in the School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales, Canberra (UNSW Canberra) Campus. He has been with UNSW Canberra since March 2000, and a full professor since 2007. Before joining UNSW Canberra, he was an academic with Cairo University since 1995. Before that, he was working for industry in the IT domain. Prof. Abbass is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, a Fellow of the UK Operations Research Society, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Managers and Leaders. Prof. Abbass is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and an Associate Editor of a number of IEEE journals and ACM Computing Surveys. In addition to his basic research into AI theory, algorithms, and human-AI-teaming, he has applied his research to a wide variety of applications.
Artificial Intelligence is Not There Yet!
Abstract: In this talk, I will commence with a quick scan throughout the history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to demonstrate that many challenges for AI since its inception remain as significant research gaps awaiting brave steps from the community to tackle. I will define AI and Computational Intelligence (CI) to disambiguate them and ensure transparency when delving deeper in the AI challenges. I will also offer concise mathematical definitions for interpretability, explainability, transparency, predictability, and symbiomemesis as core concepts underneath these challenges. The presentation will then polarise on one challenge: Trusted Human-AI Teaming. I will show how CI methods are well positioned to contribute to this challenge.