Scheduling Dynamic Job Shops – An Anticipative and a Self-Organization Approach, Prof. Juergen Branke, IEEE ESCO
Interpretable Neural Networks for Computer Vision: Clinical Decisions that are Computer-Aided, not Automated, Prof. Cynthia Rudin, IEEE DL
Fake Images through Learning of Fast Evolutionary GAN, Prof. Andy Song, IEEE FASLIP
Explicit and Implicit Learning Strategies in Computational Modelling of Human Motor Systems, Prof. Ying Tan, IEEE CICA
Solving Software Security Challenges with Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Laurie Williams, IEEE CICS
Disruptive AI for Defence, Prof. Jason Scholz, IEEE CISDA
Edge-AI Meets Mission-critical Industrial Applications, Prof. Albert Y. Zomaya, IEEE CIIoT
Real-Time Distributed Learning Using Kernel Methods, Prof. Anthony Kuh, IEEE CIDM