Denise Griffin is the IEEE Region 1 WIE Coordinator and the Chair of the IEEE Boston section. For the 2022 WIE Forum, she is responsible for the Career Fair, and in 2016 was the Forum Chair. As the IEEE Boston WIE Chair for 3 years, she recruited the original Steering Committee, increased membership by 30%, added many corporate sponsors, and led the group to win “WIE Affinity Group of the Year” Runner Up 2 years in a row. She was also the IEEE representative to Engineers Week New England for 7 years, on the Steering Committees for IEEE NATW Conference and IEEE Future Leaders Forum, and is currently on the IEEE USA Awards & Recognition Committee, ILC Sponsorship Committee, and the WIE Magazine Editorial Board.
Denise has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University and works as a Customer Success Manager at Parlance Corporation.