The role of technology is to facilitate better lives and livelihoods and to create better life experiences. A technology that is not inherently inclusive and universal is more divisive than is unifying. In a world that is rife with technology, the value of life must be preserved, and technology must become a social enabler that improves quality of life consistently across all strata of the society. Public-spiritedness is the most important trait of professionalism, which can only be developed through empathy and compassion. The spirit of leadership is only as lively as the humanitarian approach a leader can assume, and thus humanitarian aspect of leadership requires a special focus. As pursuers of science and technology, our urge to thrive with emerging technologies may at times tempt us to not realise that the purpose of science and technology is to serve the society better, to make humans better guardians of the Nature and better saviours of the world. Those among us who realise the power of moral autonomy and decision-making and have a bounden duty to respectfully lead the society into a path of universal, humanitarian welfare. Leadership, particularly in technology, thus must naturally transform individuals into morally responsible leaders acting with due diligence and in the interest of the public at large. This Track in the International Leadership Summit aims at bringing the much-needed attention to humanitarian aspects of leadership, through relevant and insightful talks and panel discussions that open a dialogue conducive to making collective contribution towards betterment of humanity through technology and leadership.
Ms. Radha Sandur Kustigi
Enterprise Security Architect at SAP Labs India.
Dr. Kiran Chakravarthula
Manger at VJ Hub.
Ms. Shilpa Iyer
Regional Security & Regulatory Compliance Mngr
Dr. Anandi Giridharan
Past Chair IEEE WIE AG, Bangalore Section.
Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi Biradar
Director IQAC Kalinga Univ Raipur. IEEE MP section Rep.
Bhuvaneshwari Chandrasekharan
Mngr Dev @ServiceNow
Suneela Pothula
Sr Manager Software Engineering @ServiceNow
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