Information for Authors and Attendees
We accept credit card, wire transfer, and check as payment methods at this time. Credit card processing is upon completion of the CVENT registration form (note that a PayPal account is not required to process a credit card). Please contact the Registration Chair with any questions or concerns during the registration process.
The registration fees are listed below. The deadline to take advantage of reduced early registration fees is April 30, 2023. Discounted early registration fees are valid only if the full payment is received by April 30, 2023. Early registrants who do not pay the registration fee in full prior to April 30, 2023 will be charged the full/normal registration fee amount. Registrations are not confirmed until the payment has been received by the conference
The Full Registration includes:
- USB or CD copy of the conference proceedings
- Access and participation in all technical sessions
- Continental breakfast Monday through Wednesday
- Morning and afternoon coffee breaks Monday through Wednesday
- Sunday night welcome reception
- Tuesday night banquet
Registration Level
Early Fee
JAN 30 – APR 30, 2023
Regular Fee
After APR 30, 2023
DEIS Member
IEEE Member
Non-IEEE Member
Student or Life IEEE Member
Student Non-IEEE Member
Companion Registration*
Child Pass* (12 and under)
Short Course Registration
*Companion and child registrations include access to all social events, breakfasts, and breaks, but will not have access to the technical program, will not receive a copy of the conference proceedings, and cannot be an author or presenter in the technical program. Note that if individual tickets (below) are purchased for a companion, and later an upgrade to full companion registration is desired, the attendee will only be charged the difference in price.
Welcome Reception Ticket
Tour Shawinigan Hydro Power Plant Ticket
Banquet Ticket
EIC Conference Proceedings CD/USB (EIC only)
EIC Extra Pages fee (per page)
Paper Copy of EIC Conference Proceedings
$80 (Tour Limited to 50 People. Please register ASAP to secure a spot)
Note that registration fees are non-refundable after April 30, 2023. Any cancellations prior to this deadline will incur a $75 service fee prior to refund
Visa Support Information
Attendees who needs a visa support letter must first complete their registration and pay the associated fees before requesting a visa support letter. Once they complete their registration and pay the associated fees they can request the visa support letter at the EIC email address eicreg@ieee.org
Application for student stipend
The IEEE EIC 2023 planning committee is excited to announce the offering of student stipends for the 2023 EIC Conference. It is our belief that students are the future of this conference and have chosen to offer these student stipends as a way to help defray the costs of conference attendance to our student engineers.
The IEEE EIC 2023 planning committee is offering fifteen (15) student stipends that will be provided in the form of a conference registration fee waiver. Please complete the attached applications form and provide to Adam Balawejder at ieeevisa2022@gmail.com to apply for the stipend.