Registration Information

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Registration Fees*

Regular Registration                

Until 3/20/23                $375

After 3/20/23               $400

IEEE Members/NIEE Board Members/INES Members/Purdue University Faculty and Staff                    

Until 3/20/23                $300

After 3/20/23               $325

Students/Retirees/International Presenters

Until 3/20/23                $150

After 3/20/23               $175

IEEE Student Members/IEEE Life Members

Until 3/20/23                $125

After 3/20/23               $150


*Includes attendance at all ETHICS-2023 sessions: Thursday reception; Friday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Saturday breakfast; Refreshment breaks.


All ETHICS-2023 attendees must register. If a paper or poster abstract is accepted, at least one author must register for the conference; if more than one author presents a paper or poster, all of the presenters must be registered.


$100 Additional Registration Fee is required for the pre-conference Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century Workshop (21CW2023) (May 18, 2023, 8AM – 5PM).

Note: You will be given a choice between registering for the conference or registering for the pre-conference workshop.  If you wish to attend both, first register for the conference and you will then be given the option of adding the pre-conference workshop.