
IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS23) 

Technology and Analytics for Global Development

13th – 15th September 2023

Swansea University, Swansea, Wales


SSIT - Society on Social Implications of Technology image


1st March 2023: 21st March 2023 (Extended):

Paper submissions

1st May 2023:

Notification of acceptance

 9th June 2023:

Submission of final version

30th June 2023:

Early bird Presenter registration

31 July 2023:

Early bird Delegate registration

IEEE ISTAS 2023 Programme

Supported by

Technical Co-Sponsors

The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE’s Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). ISTAS is a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for engineers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, researchers, social scientists, and technologists to collaborate, exchange experiences, and discuss the social implications of technology.
   IEEE ISTAS 2023 takes place in the Great Hall, Bay Campus, Swansea University (Building 7, pay & display parking for delegates P1).
The IEEE ISTAS 2023 Program incorporates a mix of keynote presentations, interactive panels, paper sessions and professional development workshops, which are aligned with SSIT’s Technical Activities.
    IEEE HTB Pre-Conference Networking Event, 6pm Tuesday 12 September
   IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board (HTB) is cooperating with  IEEE UK and Ireland Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) Chapter, SSIT IST-Africa SIGHT and  IEEE ISTAS 2023 to organise a pre-conference briefing and networking event on Tuesday 12 September from 6pm – 7:30pm in Computational Foundry 002, Swansea University.
    This event is open to anyone with an interest in ICT4Development and exploring opportunities to support local community needs by leveraging technological innovation. Please click here to register for physical participation. Please share this opportunity with relevant stakeholders.
Registration – Click here to complete registration
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global grand challenges that are inherently complex, multi-faceted and socially embedded (Corbett & Mellouli, 2017). The SDGs inevitably encounter tensions between their design and implementation, representing design-reality gaps (Pradhan et al., 2022; Heeks, 2020a; Dennehy et al., 2014). While optimism is relatively high about the role of technology and analytics in the context of global development (Smidt & Jokonya, 2022), significant learning remains about how best to use them as ‘platforms that mediate development’ (Heeks 2020b). Further, despite the efforts made by scholars to advance understanding about the role of technology and analytics for global development (e.g., Dwivedi et al., 2021; Khene & Masiero, 2022; Masiero & Arvidsson, 2021), a concerted effort within and between academic disciplines, policy-makers, practitioners, and the intended beneficiaries of the SDGs will help to discover and create better ways to achieve the SDGs. ISTAS23 aims to bring together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and communities for the advancement of knowledge regarding Technology and Analytics for Global Development. We invite participation from academics and practitioners who are engaged in current debates about the role and significance of technology and analytics, and who are interested in topics related to sustainability, ethics, equity, and social values for global development.

I'm not an engineer—should I attend?

Yes! Interdisciplinarity is not exclusive!

Are you a member of one of the following communities?

  • PIT UN – Public Interest Technology University Network
  • 4S – Society for Social Studies of Science
  • HASTAC – Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory
  • fPET – Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology
  • SPT – The Society for Philosophy and Technology
  • SHOT – Society for the History of Technology
  • Other IEEE Societies

Everyone is welcome because the future is for everyone.


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