Instructions for Presenting Authors
Instructions for Authors Presenting at Oral Session
Oral sessions are to be run at the main conference stage in Scandic Rosendahl and to be streamed over the virtual platform. If you participate in-person, you will present your paper at the main stage. If you participate remotely, you will connect through Zoom and your presentation will be projected on the big screen of the main stage. An oral presentation is of the format 10+5 minutes, consisting of the presentation (10 minutes) and Q&A (5 minutes).
Submit your presentation beforehand
In order to ensure smooth transition between talks, we need all presentations in the online system early in advance. Please, upload your final presentation, either in PowerPoint (highly preferred) or in PDF то ConfTool by Monday, 4 October 9:00 am EEST (HARD DEADLINE!).
Instructions for the presentation slides
- PowerPoint file format(s) preferred, PDF slides also acceptable
- Aspect ratio 16:9 preferred
- In the case of PowerPoint slides, any videos inside the presentation should be provided also as separate video files; if the files are small enough, you may use the third field of the final upload to provide the video file(s). Otherwise, please use your choice of file sharing system and send a link to the files to
Contact your session chair
Each session is managed by a session chair. Most chairs are to be physically present at the conference venue’s main stage. In some rare cases the session chair will connect remotely. Please, contact your session chair well in advance to inform him/her whether you are presenting your paper on-stage or remotely. It is best to contact your session chair through the one-to-one chat within the virtual platform (go to ‘Participants’ and search for her/him, then send a message in the chat).
During your presentation
Follow the schedule: 10 min presentation and 5 min for questions. You might be stopped if you go over the 10 min limit. On-site presenters: Please pick up your wireless microphone from the technicians on site when your presentation is about to start. Your slides will be presented from the virtual platform. You will have a remote control to navigate through the slides. Remote presenters: Be prepared to share your screen and to control your slides from your local version of presentation (at your computer). Using PowerPoint is preferred.
The session chair will moderate the questions from the audience and the virtual chat. The physical audience will use a circulating microphone. The virtual audience will ask questions through the session chat. Those questions will be also visible on the big screen at the main stage and will be conveyed to the presenter by the session chair.
Remember to answer any remained unanswered questions directly in the chat after the presentation ends.
Instructions for Authors Presenting at Poster Session
Poster sessions are to be run on the virtual platform and presented mainly by authors, registered for virtual participation. Each poster is presented in a separate virtual meeting room, where the presenter is the host and can share her/his screen to the visitors in the room. At the physical conference site, each poster is shown on a TV screen and the physical audience can communicate with the presented through a web cam and conference speakers. If you participate in person, you will be provided with a laptop and connection to the virtual platform in the same manner.
Before the session
Make sure that your connection and the equipment work and you can access your room. Check how to operate your session following the tab ‘Poster session instruction’ available in every poster room.
Your session chair will introduce the session on the main-stage stream and explain how the poster session works. After this introduction, the audience will be invited to visit the poster rooms of their interest.
During the session
Communicate freely with the audience and answer any questions. You can share your screen and use any presentation slides to illustrate your work while answering questions.