Instructions for Presentation Preparation

Prospective presenters for the 2022 NIGERCON are required to read and follow the instructions below. Kindly note that papers not presented at the Conference will not be processed for Xplore.

There will be two methods of presentation: In-person and virtual. In-person presenters are to produce a PowerPoint presentation while online presenters are to produce a video of their presentation. If you have any questions, please email or

Presentation Template

All presenters (In-person and Virtual) are to prepare their presentations using the approved conference template. The Conference Template can be downloaded from this link:

Please note:

  • 16×9 aspect ratio (widescreen) is recommended for all presentations.
  • Also, the maximum slides per presentation is fifteen (15).

Title of Presentation

For ease of sorting, technical paper presenters are to use the Track and paper identification number from EasyChair and the First author’s surname to name their presentation file or video. For example, John Doe with a paper submitted to Track 5 with the paper ID of 13 will be named as follows: Track5_paper_13_Doe.mp4 (for videos for virtual presenters) or Track5_paper_13_Doe.PPTX (for PowerPoint presentations from In-person presenters).

Presentations for Keynotes, panels, tutorials, and Workshops are to be captioned as illustrated below.

  • Keynotes – Keynote_First-name_Last-name. For example, “Keynote_John_Doe”.
  • Panels – Panel_First-name_Last-name. For example, “Panel_John_Doe”.
  • Tutorials – Tutorial_First-name_Last-name. For example, “Tutorial_John_Doe”.
  • Workshops – Workshop_First-name_Last-name. For example, “Workshop_John_Doe”.

How to Submit your Presentation

All presentations are to be submitted on or before 10th May 2022.

Specifications for videos to be submitted

  • All video files must be in MP4 Format.
  • A bit rate of 1mbps or less (*Note: The platform will accept videos with a higher bit rate, but some quality may be lost during the upload process).
  • The file size should not exceed 200MB.
  • A resolution of 720p HD is good.
  • Presentation lengths:
    • Technical paper (for authors) presentations not to exceed 15 minutes
    • Exhibitor Technical Presentations not to exceed 30 minutes
    • Tutorials not to exceed 2 hours, broken down into 1-hour segments.
    • Keynote / Plenary speeches not to exceed 30 minutes
    • Workshops / Special Sessions not to exceed 60 minutes
    • Panel sessions not to exceed 60 minutes

How to prepare a good video

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software to obtain quality recordings and generate an MP4 format file.

Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

Alternatively, presenters can use the two-step method stated below:

Tips for recording a good video

  • Use as quiet an area as possible;
  • Avoid areas that have echo;
    • Rooms should be fairly
    • Sound dampening with carpeting, curtains, furniture.
  • Hardline internet connection recommended, but if unavailable, a strong Wi-Fi connection;
  • Good headset with a microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Avoid using the default built-in microphone on the computer;
  • Do a test recording of a couple of minutes and review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, and bitrate before recording the entire presentation. Adjust if needed.