Call for Special Sessions
Special Sessions proposals on new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference are welcome. The special session organizer(s) should submit their special session proposal to the special session chairs as detailed below.
Special Session Details
A special session will usually include at 5-6 papers. It is expected that Special Session Organizers engage with their research community to promote their special session and thus support an appropriate number of quality submissions to ensure sufficient coverage of the Special Session topic in the conference.
For a special session with less than 5 accepted papers, regular submission papers may be identified according to the organizers to complete the special session. Alternatively, papers associated with the special session may be placed in the regular program.
For special sessions with a high number of accepted papers, a split into multiple sessions may be considered depending on the specific instance. Special session paper submissions are reviewed via the same exact process as submissions to the regular program, and papers are expected to meet the same quality standards.
Proposal Submission and Evaluation
Proposals and inquiries should be sent as a single PDF file (not exceeding 3 pages) via e-mail to the Special Sessions Chairs: Domenico Ciuonzo ( and Elena Simona Lohan (
The proposals should contain:
- A topical title;
- A brief rationale of the special session (one/two paragraphs);
- Contact details of the organizers.
All proposals will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee. Proposals submitted after the deadline may not be considered.
Deadline: February 16th, 2022
Notification: February 23rd, 2022
Special Session Paper Submission Deadline: March 30th, 2022