Payments from Italy must be performed using the PagoPa system, by accessing the University of Cagliari web portal at the address:

There, you must select “Voluntary payment”(“Pagamento spontaneo”), from which you’ll be redirected to another page where you’ll be asked to fill in a form with your personal details. Please fill in the form accurately. In the “Payment reason” (“Motivo pagamento”), you MUST select: “Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica“, and in the field “Reason” (“Causale”), you MUST input the following “TSPPM2021 Summer School – <Name Surname>” (e.g., TSPPM2021 Summer School – Danilo Pani).

Please be careful in providing “Payment reason” and “Reason” according to the indications above, in order to be able to match your registration to the payment during the administrative checks. Once all the fields have been completed, by clicking on the appropriate “START ONLINE PAYMENT” (“PAGAMENTO IMMEDIATO”) button, located at the bottom right of the page, you can proceed with the payment, choosing the preferred payment method. You will need to log in with SPID or your e-mail to proceed.

If necessary, the system can also produce a printout of the payment notice that can be used for any payments on physical channels (e.g., Tobacconists, ATMs, etc.).
Once the payment has been made, by clicking on the appropriate button, you can download the receipt of the payment just made after indicating your tax code and the notice code or the IUV.

A guide is available here.