Second International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine
Following the success of the 2018 edition, we are pleased to announce the Second International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine.
This exciting event brings together top scientists and researchers from all over the world to guide the attendees in the fascinating world of biomedical engineering applied to fetal and newborn care. Prenatal diagnosis and labor monitoring are the key challenges addressed by the Summer School since technology can (and is owed to) provide effective solutions that can be easily translated into the clinical practice. Both challenges are important to enable therapeutic interventions in utero or post-partum, childbirth programming through cesarean section, prompt clinical and surgical response to unexpected critical conditions during labor.
Our clinical experts will introduce the medical aspects associated with fetal physiopathology and newborn critical care, presenting accepted methods and tools for diagnosis, monitoring, and intensive care. A lectio magistralis by Prof. Gari Clifford will provide a clear view of the role of biomedical engineers in this field, delineating the main challenges, the state of the art and the research directions in fetal monitoring. A dense program of lectures will then lead the attendees to the discovery of basic and advanced tools for fetal biosignals processing, interpretation, and automatic learning. Practical sessions with Matlab will allow the students to experience what they have learned in the theoretical lessons.
Remarkably, several signal processing, information analysis, and machine learning tools presented in the lectures can be adapted to solve other bioengineering problems, making this Summer School attractive also for students and young researchers working on different biomedical engineering applications.
Who should attend?
The school is addressed primarily, but not only, to graduate students, post-docs and young researchers in biomedical engineering, but also in electronics, computer science, physics and mathematics, if interested in bioengineering applications. The topics will be presented in such a way as to be usable even by lower-level students if any. The first day of the course, mainly clinical, with free admission, can also be followed by students of medical disciplines.
Thanks to the support of the financial sponsor, Sardegna Ricerche, registration fees for the whole school are extremely low.
The first day of the school, addressing the medical aspects, is free (separate registration is anyway required for those aiming to attend only to that day).
Opportunity to discuss your research
The school encourages the discussion of your research with our expert lecturers. The largest part of the lecturers will be available for several days of the school to discuss with the student and provide their advice. An institutional moment for the presentation of the attendees’ researches is the poster session. The attendees can contribute, if they want, with one poster, associated to a one-page abstract. All the abstracts will be collected in an abstract book that will be distributed to the attendees during the school in pdf, including the pictures and short bios of the presenters.
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter will assign the best poster award of 100 Euros to the IEEE student member presenting the best poster on the Sensors Council topics.