Scope Statement

The scope of TC10 is new design methods for power electronics. We explore a range of existing and emerging technologies, including design automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced optimization methods, to foster the design of power converters and its components. We represent a research community within PELS to develop hardware and software tools for power electronics design. A further emphasis are methods to ensure the data communication and cyber physical security of power electronics systems and converter dominated grid systems. As these methods can be applied to a wide range of applications close cooperation to other TCs will be cultivated. Moreover, TC10 helps to bridge the gap between academia and industry for the utilization of new design methods.

Membership is free and you can easily register via the PELS TC 10 website.


In order to fulfill our mission, we have started initial activities. Further activities will be started shortly.


Our flagship conference and as such the place where an active community formed around TC10 can meet and exchange ideas on an annually basis.

Webinar Series and Podcasts

Sharing concepts grows the idea of new design methods and encourages their application. This is also true in the time between DMCs. That’s why we organize webinars and podcasts around the topic of design methods. The ones from the past can be found on the PELS resource center and accessed by the overview.

Student Competition

In collaboration with PELS TC6 a new track is launched – IEEE PELS Student Design Methodology Competition – as a part of the ECCE student project demonstrations program. Student teams can compete in the hardware or software track, or both. An IEEE PELS Best Student Design Methodology Award (a certificate and a cash award of $500) will be awarded in addition to the three Best Demonstration Prizes.

ECCE Track on Big Data, Machine Learning, Cyber Security and Design Automation

For all who are looking for further exchange. TC10 is organizing a track on ECCE. More information will be available soon on the ECCE website.