28-31 October 2021
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (Virtual Event)
July 13 (Extended): Paper Proposal deadline (for all full-length, short-length, and abstract-only submissions)
September 1: Acceptance/rejection notice of papers
September 15: Early Conference Registration deadline
October 5: Final Camera-Ready Paper deadline
October 28-31: ISTAS21 Conference with ETHICS 2021 track
ETHICS-2021 Hosts
Welcome to ETHICS-2021
IEEE ETHICS-2021 will draw together the global technology and ethics community, including from industry, academia, government, and civil society, to explore ethical issues from technical, multicultural, and societal perspectives. The theme of ETHICS-2021 is “Engineering and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”; it is timely and important as we approach the second quarter of the 21st century.
Hosted by the University of Waterloo and University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada), ETHICS 2021 will be held as a track within ISTAS21 (from 28-31 October 2021), and will take place online.
It’s time to start thinking about how you can contribute to this year’s International Symposium on Technology and Society. The submission portals are officially open! If you’d like to run a special session, you’re in luck: the deadline has been moved from March 29th to ...