Dr. Veronika Rabl is a consultant in the Washington, DC, area, specializing in energy technology and policy. She has advised electric energy companies and governments around the world and has been an invited speaker and lecturer at many events in the U.S. and abroad. She is an author, coauthor, and editor of numerous publications.
Until 2001 Dr. Rabl served as General Manager and Director at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). She established EPRI’s demand response technology portfolio, including energy storage, energy management, and distributed load control systems. She then held a series of positions with increasing technical, business, and policy responsibilities, spanning both sides of the meter — demand-side management, integrated resource planning, engineering load forecasting, electric transportation, power electronics and power quality, distribution systems, and metering.
Dr. Rabl is a Senior Member of IEEE. She is past Chair of IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee and member of the IEEE PES Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee. Veronika is a recipient of the IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award for Individuals.
Veronika holds an M.S. from the Weizmann Institute, Israel, and a Ph.D. from the Ohio State University.