Authors information

Information for presenters are available in the dedicated page: presenter information

Final paper submission

If you submitted a IEEE PES Transactions Paper, you do not need to do anything more.

If you submitted a Regular/Student paper, and it has been accepted, reviewers comments have been included at the bottom of the acceptance email. Please carefully consider these comments when preparing the final manuscript.

We would like to ask that you ensure you check the following details before uploading your final paper.
Please note that the paper must strictly adhere to PES formatting requirements for Conference Papers (please read instructions).

Specific IEEE conference templates are provided below (Word, Latex).
Please use the indicated files and avoid using templates located elsewhere: failure to follow the following templates may result in your paper not being published in IEEE Xplore.

MSWord template

To dowload the MSWord Templates, be sure to use the link below:

According to PES Author’s Kit PG4, this is the ONLY template to be used to format a PES conference paper in MSWord.

Do not use the MSWord templates located on the IEEE Publications Department web site or any other templates located on the main IEEE site!

Some authors reported to have experienced issues with equations: in that case, open the PES template .doc file with MsWord and save it as .docx, then insert your equation: this should be a possible workaround for this problem.

LaTeX template

According to PES Author’s Kit PG4, templates for conference are located on the IEEE Publications Department web site:

please use the sample bare_conf.tex file for conference papers included in the LaTeX kit available here.

This file will produce a paper that satisfies PES formatting requirements: the stylistic differences from the Word template are acceptable.

In particular please check carefully the following items:

  • The paper must not exceed 6 pages in length.
  • Page size: US letter (do not change margins)
  • Font size: 10pt
  • Authors and affiliations format (group authors with the same affiliation)
  • Spacing between paragraphs and indentation
  • Avoid using “ALL CAPS” in title, while in section headings “SMALL CAPS” is correct, “ALL CAPS” is wrong
  • Reference list formatting

In case of any doubts, please refer to PES Sample Conference Paper (PDF) and guidelines for preparing Conference papers for PES (part 4b).

Your final manuscript be converted to PDF and checked for compatibility using the IEEE PDF eXpress service. The conference ID is 42087X.

THESE GUIDELINES MUST BE FOLLOWED to ensure your paper is suitable for upload to IEEE Xplore following the conference: failure to follow the template may result in your paper not being published in IEEE Xplore.

Once this is completed, please complete the following steps no later than 8 April 2019:

  1. Visit the OpenConf submission site.
  2. Click <Upload File> and use your previous submission ID and password to upload your IEEE PDF eXpress validated file (PID#######.pdf).
  3. In case your title/author list has been changed, please update paper information by using the <Edit Submission> link on the OpenConf submission page before the IEEE Copyright Form submission.
  4. (only for Student paper: please click <Edit submission> on the OpenConf submission page to check that “Student” is correctly indicated in the field <Position/Title:> for each student author of the paper)
  5. Click <Submit Copyright> on the OpenConf submission page to complete the IEEE Copyright Form: use your previous submission ID and password.

If you do not receive any notification e-mail after the final manuscript submission, please check the uploaded file by using the <View File> link on the OpenConf submission page.

Conference Registration

  • At least one author of each accepted conference paper or Transactions paper for presentation must register for the meeting.
  • Conference papers, or Transactions paper abstracts, will not be released for publication in the IEEE PowerTech 2019 Proceedings or scheduled for presentation unless the fee is paid: the corresponding registration fee must be paid by the early-bird deadline: May 10, 2019.
  • IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference

Previous instructions for preliminary paper submission

Regular paper submission
Student paper submission
  • Student papers must follow the rules for the Student paper award and be prepared according to the same requirements for regular papers.
  • Please select the appropriate option in the submission system if you want the paper to be considered for the Basil Papadias Student Paper Award.
Transactions Paper submission
  • An author of an accepted PES Transactions paper who is interested in presenting it at the IEEE PowerTech 2019 must upload the full paper, in addition to the paper’s abstract, to the on-line submission and review site by the deadlines listed above.
  • The International Advisory Committee (IAC) will determine if the topic of the paper is suited for presentation in one of the technical sessions. The author will be notified of the decision by e-mail.
  • Please note: The author must follow the steps on the submission site  (please select the appropriate option in the submission system) and upload the full paper in addition to the abstract. This is for the IAC’s use only. The full paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Accepted Transactions papers that will be presented at the IEEE PowerTech 2019 will have their abstracts published in the Conference Proceedings.