Martina Ziefle
Prof. Dr. Martina Ziefle is a psychologist and full professor of Communication Science at RWTH Aachen University. She is one of four directors of the Human-Computer Interaction Center at RWTH Aachen. Her research is concerned with human interaction and communication of humans with technology addressing the human factor in different technology types and using contexts. A special research focus is directed to humans and their interaction and communication in the digitalization of work. Martina Ziefle leads various projects funded by industry and public authorities, dealing with technology acceptance, risk perception and communication as well as the interaction and communication of humans with technology.

Jan Borchers
Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers is full professor of computer science and head of the BIT Chair for Media Computing and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which he founded at RWTH Aachen University in 2003 after faculty positions at Stanford and ETH Zurich. His group creates and studies new user interface techniques and technologies for personal digital fabrication, tangible and tabletop interactions, mobile and wearable computing, software development environments, and HCI design patterns. The lab is among Germany’s most successful at CHI, Google Scholar’s top-listed international HCI publication outlet. In his spare time, he enjoys diving, pool billiard, and playing jazz piano. More at janborchers.com.