Documentation Committee

Kishore Kumar L

Kishore Kumar L
Mr.Kishore Kumar L is an active and passionate volunteer in IEEE as a content writer. Currently doing his final year in the stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Panimalar Institute of Technology. Started his journey of being an IEEE volunteer in his 3rd year of engineering as a content writer for IEEE PIT SB. He is currently serving the role of being a Documentation Lead of IEEE PIT SB and guiding 10+ volunteers in the field of content writing. Being as a Campus Ambassador for many events made him to build a network and connect with the volunteers among the various sections in India. He has organized two series of webinars as a lead with a team of five members for giving out the audience better technical knowledge about Entrepreneurship and IoT (Internet Of Things). He had also hosted 10+ webinars and wrote content for various events in his Student Branch. He had received the Best Content Writer of the SB award for July 2020.

Neavil Porus A

Neavil Porus A
Neavil Porus A is currently holding position as the vice chair for IEEE-SB-KIOT and he's also a primary member of Rotaract club Salem. He's also a passionpreneur who's going on with his experimental startups and his initiative Team Neavil ™. Mr. Neavil was awarded the best student award in his college for the year 2020. He's an avid chess player who has won Anna University Chess Championship back in 2018. As an IEEE volunteer, he has completed many activities and provided value to his team.

Priyadharshini B

Priyadharshini B
Priyadharshini Balaji is currently pursuing her second year Bachelor’s degree at Jeppiaar Engineering College in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department. She is currently serving as the Secretary of IEEE Power Energy Society Student Branch Chapter Jeppiaar Engineering College and serving as a Content writer at IEEE SB JEC. She is an enthusiastic NSS Volunteer of JEC NSS unit and also an active member of Thamizh Mandram of Jeppiaar Engineering College, and also a Communicational Secretary. She has been a campus ambassador at IFSFS, Inspiro 2020, CV Dragon, Space apps 2020, Xcelero 2020 and Navomesh etc... and also a BRAND AMBASSADOR Of IEEE.

Nasreen Fathima M

Nasreen Fathima M
Ms. Nasreen Fathima M is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai. She is an active member and an aspiring content writer from IEEE Student Branch Jeppiaar Engineering College.
She serves as one of the members of the Executive Committee of IEEE Student Branch Jeppiaar Engineering College. Apart from her interest in creating content, she is also very much talented in publicizing and promoting events. She extended her service to IEEE as she got selected as an IEEE Brand Ambassador. Also, she volunteers as a Campus Ambassador for several flagship events like Apscript, IFSFS, and Navonmesh. She had participated in IEEE Xtreme 14.0 so as to keep herself competitive within her community. She had organized notable events like Quizmania, Hack o Holics, and many more events in her student branch. Apart from IEEE, Nasreen is a socially responsible person and hence she volunteers as a member of NSS, dedicating her time to good causes.

Dinithi Sandunika Senarath

Dinithi Sandunika Senarath
Ms. Dinithi Senarath is a Second Year Electrical Engineering Undergraduate of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She is currently working as an Editorial Committee Member of IEEE Student Branch of University of Moratuwa and also a Director Board Member (Editorial) of Power & Energy Society Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa for the term 20/21. She has been volunteering at IEEE for around 2 years in many Student Branch level projects.
She is an enthusiastic volunteer who preferred to extend her volunteering experiences furthermore. As her volunteering experiences, she has participated for the IEEE Sri Lanka Section SYW Congress 2020, volunteered at Stud Pro 3.0 and Mercon 2020 organized by IEEE Student Branch University of Moratuwa, worked as an organizing committee member of Awareness Session and E-article Competition 2020 organized by IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa, has been the Treasurer of the event of MoraXtreme Award Ceremony 2020 organized by IEEE Student Branch University of Moratuwa and engaged in content writing with IEEE WIE UoM for IEEE Hackdown 2020 & Raspberry-Pi workshop.
She is a friendly and kind person with the capabilities of working as a team and having encouragement to do more to polish up her career with more experiences and achievements.

Dhanuja Naveen Geethanjana Jayananda
Dhanuja Jayananda is a volunteer who is a Editorial committee member and a active member of the IEEE students Branch of University of Moratuwa.
Dhanuja believes in the success of a better future for the world through volunteering.
He has worked at many societies through school life and sacrificed his life for social works with leading youth clubs etc.
Dhanuja is a awarded speaker and a debater who has experienced in many island level competitions.
He has a been a kind person in helping new minds for their development. He has initiated several school education program for many rural children . His determination and courage has made him to do many achievements making him as remarkable person.
Currently he is a undergraduate of Department of Materials and Science Engineering of University of Moratuwa with a ambition of making world a better place for future generations.

Anandhu R Nair

Anandhu R Nair
Mr.ANANDHU R NAIR is a Third Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at College of Engineering Trivandrum Kerala, India.He is one of the active student volunteers of IEEE Kerala Section.He is an IEEE Brand Ambassador.
He is currently serving as Travancore Hub Student Representative / Membership Development Coordinator at IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt.Chapter Kerala.
He is also the Vice Chairman of IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter , College of Engineering Trivandrum.He was also a content writer at Travancore Hub,IEEE Kerala Section in 2020.
He started his IEEE volunteering activities as a publicity volunteer at various student branches of IEEE Kerala Section as well as Campus Ambassador roles for the events of various IEEE Sections like Madras,UP,Delhi,Gujarat...etc.
Apart from these he worked as an Event Ambassador for IFSFS2020 organised by IEEE PES YP KERALA and IEEE PES KERALA CHAPTER and selected as one of the best event ambassadors for the event..
His social media marketing skills gifted him the Top Social Media Marketing Intern at EnR Consultancy services.
He has also worked as a Campus Ambassador at Techfest ,IIT Bombay (Certified With Golden Level Certificate),VISTA ,IIM Bangalore(Certified With Silver Level Certificate),etc….He also holds a professional certificate in Google IT Support.

Awishka Vidujanani Thuduwage

Awishka Vidujanani Thuduwage
I’m Awishka Thuduwage, a 3rd year Electrical Engineering Undergraduate from University of Moratuwa. I consider myself as a dedicated person with quality content writing skills gained through my volunteering experiences at IEEE and as well as in other organizations. I have been volunteering at IEEE for 2 years now and I currently work as the Secretary of IEEE Student Branch University of Moratuwa for term 20/21. I have made my contribution for many number of events organized by our student branch as an active IEEE member including the flagship event, IEEE Open Day 2020 as the co-chairman of the event. I have past experiences as a content creator for events and social media platforms throughout my volunteering journey. Recently, I had the chance to volunteer at IEEE Sri Lanka Section Student/Young Professionals/Women in Engineering Congress 2020, the annual hallmark event organized by IEEE Sri Lanka Section. I volunteered in the team of Publicity and Social Media for that event. I look forward to working with my team and other OC members to make this experience, a refreshing one for delegates throughout the event.