Program Committee

Mallellu Sai Prashanth
Mr.Mallellu Sai Prashanth, Is the BlockChain Developer at Tech Mahindra, Hyderabad and AI Developer Intern at Smart Bridge,he is Contributing as a webinar and training coordinator for the IEEE Region10 student activities committee where he committed and able to make a good impact under the guidance of SAC. He has been holding the IEEE Collabratec Coordinator under IEEE R10 SAC . In which his enthusiastic support as a volunteer to the Section and Chapter activities, new initiatives, contributions, demonstrating administrative abilities and leadership skills and commitment for technical development of Engineers and Students at large is highly appreciated. For the enthusiastic support as the volunteer of the IEEE India Council, IEEE Hyderabad Section and IEEE Computer Society Chapter and commitment to the new initiatives and for the technical development of students. He have received the IEEE India Council Outstanding Student Volunteer award 2019, where the award was presented by IEEE president Mr Toshio Fukuda and IEEE R10 Director Elect Deepak Mathur.

Shaveetha K

Shaveetha K
As a professional graphic and web designer, I bring a range of art and design disciplines to every project I work on. From brand strategy and user interface design to creative writing and front-end development, my work exemplifies an appreciation for complete brand experiences

Dhilan Madhusanka

Dhilan Madhusanka
Second year undergraduate at University of Moratuwa, Department of Electrical Engineering. Active volunteer at IEEE since 2019 and event coordinator of the PELS Student Branch Chapter of UoM and a member of PES at UoM. And also volunteer at AIESEC Outgoing Global Volunteer(OGV) function, currently working as Organizing Committee member of LEAD CS 7.0 .

Pankaja Senevirathne

Pankaja Senevirathne
Pankaja Senevirathne is a 2nd year undergraduate at department of Electrical Engineering of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He has been volunteering in IEEE Student Branch and IEEE PES Student Chapter of University of Moratuwa since 2019. Currently he is working as a Co -Director of Program in IEEE Student Branch and Co - Director of Organizing in IEEE PES Student Chapter of University of Moratuwa.

Kavindu Yasith Katuwandeniya

Kavindu Yasith Katuwandeniya
I am an undergraduate of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka. I am a sophomore in the department of IT, following the Bachelor's degree in IT with honors. As an undergraduate student, I've been in IEEE for 2 years, and currently, I am serving as the co-director of Programs in the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Moratuwa. Also, I am volunteering in IEEE SLInspire, which is a program launched by the IEEE Sri Lankan Section.
Apart from IEEE activities, my favors have extended towards web development, programming, mobile application development, and exploring new things and trends across the IT and Software Engineering fields. Hiking, playing guitar, and reading books can be considered as my leisure time activities.
Apart from IEEE activities, my favors have extended towards web development, programming, mobile application development, and exploring new things and trends across the IT and Software Engineering fields. Hiking, playing guitar, and reading books can be considered as my leisure time activities.

Pesala Raveen Jayathunga

Pesala Raveen Jayathunga
Pesala Raveen is a 2nd year undergraduate at department of Electrical Engineering of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He has been volunteering in IEEE Student Branch and IEEE PES Student Chapter of University of Moratuwa since 2019. Currently he is working as the Director of Logistics in IEEE student branch University of Moratuwa.

Umashankar Subramaniam

Umashankar Subramaniam
Dr Umashankar Subramaniam, Associate Professor and Distinguished Researcher in renewable energy lab, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia. He co-established the Renewable Energy Lab (REL) and directed towards the Renewable Energy and EV related research and projects as per the 2030 vision of Saudi Arabia and united nations SDGs. He is also a part of 2030 international steering committee for global ranking and Global Distinguished Expert at Global Education Policy Network towards sustainable development goals. He is a Chair/Co-Chair of international workshops and prestigious conferences. Previously he worked as Associate Professor and Head, Department of Energy, VIT, Vellore, has 15+ years of teaching, research, and industrial R&D experience. Also, he worked as Senior R&D Engineer and Senior Application Engineer in the field of power electronics, renewable energy, and electrical drives in Top companies like GE Energy, Pactron Inc.
He is a Senior Member in IEEE, and Member of PES, and ISTE. He is an Execom Member of IEEE PES Saudi Arabia Section(R8-Gulf) from 2021 and Organising member for IEEE PELSYS 2021. He held positions as Vice-Chair - IEEE Madras Section and Chair - IEEE Student Activities from 2018-2020. He was an executive member (2014-16) and Vice-Chair of IEEE MAS Young Professional from 2017 by the IEEE Madras Section. He has published more than 250+ research papers in national and international journals and conferences. He has also authored/co-authored/contributed 12 books/chapters and 12 technical articles on power electronics applications in renewable energy and allied areas. He is an Editor of IEEE Access, Heliyon-Cell Press, Springer-Nature, AEJ-Elsevier, ITEES Wiley and other high impact journals.
He received Danfoss Innovator Award-Mentor during 2014-15, & 2017-18 Research Award from VIT University during 2013-18. Also, He received the INAE Summer Research Fellowship for the year 2014. Under his guidance, 24 P.G students and more than 25 U.G Students completed the project work. Also, he guided six Ph.D. scholars in collaboration with industry. He also has done collaborative Industry research projects like Sustainable PSU Campus, and Sustainable Microgrid Development @ Saudi Arabia, and In India AI-based prediction and condition monitoring, AI-based Fault diagnostics, Power Quality Audit in Southern Railway, EMI-EMC in Solar PV Inverter, Power Quality Analysis of Industries with InPhase, Bangalore, Emerich Energy, Chennai, Wind-Solar Hybrid system sponsored by MNRE with CWET, Kayathar, VIT-Danfoss joint Energy Management Project, Smart Energy Metering and E-mobility and charging infrastructure for EVs funded by government/Industries.
He is a proud Alumni of GCT (1997-2001 batch EEE) and outstanding alumni of VIT (2002-04 batch M.Tech) and (2010-2013 batch of Ph.D.).

Jayoda Dissanayake

Jayoda Dissanayake
Jayoda is a second year undergraduate of University of Moratuwa majoring in Textile and Apparel Engineering. She has actively volunteered in IEEE for nearly a year taking part in a number of events. She is an Editorial Committee Member of IEEE Student Branch of University of Moratuwa and a Supportive Committee Member of IEEE PELS Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa which is the first ever PELS Student Branch Chapter in Sri Lanka.

Joseph Kozak

Joseph Kozak
Joseph received the B.S. degree in engineering physics and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Center for Power Electronic Systems (CPES), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA. His current research interests include robustness, reliability, and physics of failure of new wide bandgap semiconductors, and their implementation into power electronic conversion systems.