Job Fair
The PELS Virtual Job Fair is part of the PELS SYPS and will connect students and young professionals (YPs) with industry representatives to explore job opportunities in the field of power electronics within their companies. Attendees will have the chance to meet with representatives and learn about companies and job openings, while recruiters can meet potential talent and set up interviews. Registration will be free for all PELS members! The attendees will be able to explore videos from the companies to learn more about them and/or their available job opportunities. Participating companies will be given access to the CVs of students and YPs who are interested in the company.
Our Goal
Our Job Fair aims to connect the bright young members of the PELS community with great companies. We want to increase the value of the PELS membership creating a great impact on the career and future of PELS students and YPs.
Subscription Plan
Companies or organisations are welcome to sponsor the conference according to the packages listed below. PELS SYPS will offer the perfect stage for establishing a personal relationship between companies and students and young professionals. The Sponsoring Companies receive the highest recognition in return for their generous support to the Symposium.
- Six Complimentary Full Conference Registrations
- One Job Fair stand.
- One Job Fair stand.
- One 30’x30’ Banner in the main stage
- Logo on the PELS SYPS homepage + sponsors webpage + job fair webpage
- One Sponsor session, 30’ presentation max (Can be divided into 3x10’)
- View / Download / Audio/ Video /Text Materials unlimited
- One digital trailer to upload before the session starts, 1’ max
- One dedicate sponsor lounge
- On-screen banner during Plenary Session
Gold Plan
- Four Complimentary Full Conference Registrations
- One Job Fair stands
- One Custom Sponsor “Booth.”
- One 10’x10’ banner main stage
- Logo on the PELS SYSP sponsors webpage + job fair webpage
- View / Download / Audio / Video / Text Materials unlimited
- Half dedicate sponsor lounge
- Rotation on-screen during Plenary Session
Job Fair Plan
- Two Complimentary Full Conference Registrations
- One Job Fair stand
- One Custom Sponsor “Booth.”
- View / Download / Audio / Video / Text Materials unlimited
- Logo on the PELS SYSP job fair webpage
- Shared sponsor lounge
- One 5’x5’ Booth in the Exhibit Hall

Frequently asked questions
We are expecting that over 300 students/YPs across the globe will participate in the PELS SYPS symposium. We are not very sure about how many from each region will join. We can advertise our event more in a given region to improve participation.
Most likely the universities that have PELS student branch chapters or a good PELS presence. There may be other YPs too.
This is the first ever time that we are conducting this PELS SYPS virtual symposium, and hence we are making it only $150 per virtual booth for companies to participate. At the very least, this would be a good place for companies to talk to a few good candidates. We do not expect any job offers being made here through the conference, but the intention is to arrange short interview slots for companies (or other organizations) to talk to potential candidates, the best of whom they can contact later.
Contact Nayara ( and Harish ( When they are ready to create the company room on the virtual platform, they will contact the company with more specific details.
Dr. Harish Krishnamoorthy – Chair of IEEE PELS Student and Young Professionals (YP) Committee.
Dr. Nayara de Freitas – Chair of 2021 PELS Job Fair and Member of IEEE PELS Students and YP Committee
The job fair will be almost one day long. (If we come to an arrangement with the online platform for the companies to have access to the booths during the three days, we may try to make the job fair longer).
The attendees will be able to meet all the companies (we may have to keep some restrictions on the location if we get a lot of requests).