Professor Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark
Professor David Hill, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Distinguished Professor Mohammad Shahidehpour, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Professor Sanjib Kumar Panda, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Professor Pierluigi Mancarella, University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor Andrew M. Knight, University of Calgary, Canada
Professor Wei-Jen Lee, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Professor Bikash Pal, Imperial College London, UK
Professor Josep Pou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Professor Bhim Singh, IIT Delhi, India
Professor Gerard Ledwich, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Professor Zaiping Guo, University of Adelaide, Australia
Professor Anurag K. Sirvastava, West Virginia University, USA
Professor Ambrish Chandra, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Prof Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, IEEE Fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Tomy Sebastian, IEEE Fellow, Halla Mechatronics, USA
Professor Mohammad Nasir Uddin, IEEE Fellow, Lakehead University, Canada
Professor Osama A. Mohammed, IEEE Fellow, Florida International University, USA
Professor Ahmed Al-Durra, Khalifa University, UAE
Professor Hua Geng, IEEE Fellow, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. Joachim Holtz, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Prof. Chandan Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Prof. K Gopakumar, Indian Institute of Science, India
Prof. Akshay Kumar Rathore, Singapore Institute of Technolog, Singapore
Prof. Ambrish Chandra, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Prof. Fei Gao, French CNRS Institute FEMTO-ST, France
Prof. Yousef Ibrahim, Federation University Australia, Australia
Prof. Xingbo Yu, RMIT University, Australia