All presented papers are eligible for review and publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- Use only IEEE standard two column conference paper template available here.
- The maximum size of the paper for review is 6 pages including references. The maximum File Size allowed is 3 MB in PDF format without encryption and/or passwords
- Review is single blind and Papers having poor quality and/or high similarity index will be desk rejected (with out review).
- New Submission will have to be submitted to only one track, which is IEEE ETFG2023 – Stage Three (New Submission Only). After the review process, papers will be redistributed to the proper tracks in the program.
- For Student Papers, they need to submit maximum of 2-page short paper to the following track: Non-Peer Review Student Short Papers (Not Eligible For Publication).
1. Go to the paper submission website :
2. You will see a dialog box below with the “2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG)” emblem on the page. If you are new to the system, please choose “Register” at the bottom of the dialog box:

3. Follow the wizard to finish the registration. Upon finishing, you’ll have an account in the system with user ID and Password.
4. Again, log into the system using your login account info (email address and password). From the drop down menu, select the track to which you want to send the papers. It is the responsibility of the author to send his/her paper to the most appropriate track. Otherwise it may be difficult to get proper review of the papers. Make sure that you are submitting the paper to only one track. Otherwise, your paper will be rejected.
5. Fill out the submission form: “Title”, “Abstract”, and “Authors” and enter email ID and details of all the co-authors (Name, Designation, Institute and the Country to which your institute is affiliated etc.) and “Submit” your paper.
6. Please note the Microsoft CMT system does not send confirmation emails after paper submission. However, the submitting author can send email to all authors through the paper submission page. To verify your submission, you may again login to the system to check the submitted file.