Women In Engineering /Young Professional SESSION
The Role of Women in STEAM Fields

Join us at the Women In Engineering and Young Professional Session, where we will delve into the power and influence of women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). This session provides an exceptional opportunity to celebrate the remarkable achievements of women in these areas and foster active participation among young professionals.
- Date: July 3, 2023
- Time: 19:00
- Location: Hotel Presidente Intercontinental, Puebla, Mexico
- Please note: This session will be conducted in-person.
This special session is an integral part of the LAEDC 2023 conference. To access detailed information about the event, including the topics to be discussed and the speakers, we invite you to visit the following link: https://attend.ieee.org/laedc-2023/special-sessions/wie-yp-session/.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this truly unique event!
Please be aware that the maximum capacity is limited to 25 spaces.

Clyo Duran
Testing Engineer at Synopsys Mexico.
Clyo is a Design for Testing Engineer at Synopsys Mexico. She was the first female president of the Electronic Engineering Student Society at ITESO University leading and promoting their projects and university experience. She participated in the "Beautiful Patterns" open-source project, aimed at increasing female representation in engineering, where she taught programming to high school students.
In 2019, Clyo won the NXP Challenge at Talent Land Mexico, where she and her team presented an embedded light measurement system using various communication protocols so the user could monitor their power consumption.
Clyo started her career as an intern in FirstPass Global (acquired by Synopsys) where she discovered Design for Testing, and later joined the company as a full-time engineer. Over the past three years, she has been involved in challenging projects with international clients from well-known brands. She has participated as DFT engineer in high performance SoCs design used in GPUs and automotive chips with cutting edge technologies. Although the projects can be difficult, she finds a way to stay positive and get the job done. In her free time, she likes to watch good or bad movies at the cinema, swim, and attend concerts. She loves animals, particularly her cats, and spends her time playing and fighting with them.

Isabela Buitrón Burbano
Universidad de los Andes
Isabela has recently obtained her electronics engineering degree from Universidad de los Andes and has been appointed as the 2023 Women In Engineering (WIE) representative for the IEEE Council on RFID.
Curiously, her engineering path started upon participating in Model United Nations debate competitions. Upon winning NHSMUN held in New York, 2017 she realized
education in engineering and technology would allow her to present practical solutions to critical issues from today’s society.
In 2022 her team won 1st place at ActInSpace (Bogotá Edition) a world-wide innovation contest organized by the French Space Agency. Simultaneously, teams from over 100 cities across 5 continents come together for 24 hours to work on real-life challenges to imagine and design innovative services and products that find every day uses for space technologies or data. She was elected as Universidad de los Andes’ IEEE Student Branch Chair in 2022.
During this period, IEEE Uniandes obtained 2 International (IEEE R9) and 2 national awards recognizing student engagement growth and quality of technical and professional development events organization. She has also served as ambassador for the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition.
Isabela worked on the Integrated Microwave Packaging Antennas and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) lab as part of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology’s (KAUST) Microelectronics Winter Camp (MEWC) in Saudi Arabia. Her project titled: Achieving Electromagnetic Shielding with Optically Transparent Conformal Printed Electronics obtained 2nd place at the e-poster competition of the MEWC 2023. Isabela coauthored a paper presented on the 23rd annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2023, held in Melbourne, Florida, obtaining 2nd place at the Student Research Poster Competition.
Isabela believes engaging in fruitful academic activities allows students to enhance their skills and find people with similar interests who will help them grow personally and professionally. Her advice to young professionals is to not be afraid to take chances early on in their careers, at this point it’s about the quality of your years of experience rather than their amount.

PhD. Morgan Kiani
Professor at TCU, USA
ISV Governing Board Member
Dr. Morgan Kiani joined ISV in 2019 and has since participated in several initiatives and projects led by ISV around the world. She represents the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in ISV and has been instrumental in securing substantial and growing engagement from the IEEE-IES in ISV projects since her arrival.
Her research, scholarship, teaching and service in engineering department at TCU, across IEEE societies, and non-profit groups have allowed her to empower individuals to engage in activities that promote access to clean green energy and healthy living. She is interested in attracting the next generation of minority and female students into Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields as well.
Dr. Kiani is a member of Administrative Committee as well as various technical committees in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. She is a member of IEEE Smart Village Governing Board and ISV technical committee too. Dr. Kiani is serving as a technical support and project coordinator in IEEE Smart Village with her outreach initiative through IEEE IES society.